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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: March 2010

Mar 31, 2010

Up for a Challenge

Although I have never been one to take on a dare (always been more of a play it safe kind of girl), one challenge mentioned over at Faith~Hope~&~ Love caught my attention.  Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out has issued a challenge to fellow bloggers to blog using an A to Z theme for the month of April. So I have decided to dive in and hopefully I will not sink. Some of those letters could be pretty tricky to navigate not to mention that I don't usually blog daily. But since it is a new year, I might as well try some new things, huh. Be sure to check out Tossing It Out for more details about the challenge.  Now wish me luck as I start tomorrow, April 1st, with a post relating to the letter "A".


Mar 29, 2010

If Not Him, Then Who?

By golly, who knew that I'd find God at the zoo? Yes it's true! If not Him, then who could have created such animals? Although it wasn't my first time to visit a zoo, I couldn't help but be awed by the creativeness used to design each of these animals. Some were big and others were small. Many displayed graceful elegance, while others looked down right strange. As I looked around, I said to my sister if I'm created in God's image then He's given me creativity as well and I'm convinced I have some that I've yet to use. Although, I don't understand the full significance in why each of the animals were shaped the way they were, I realize that God did have a purpose for doing so. Each animal is equipped with what they need to survive and thrive in the specific environments that they live.

Reminds me of us humans; we do not all look alike and each of us come packaged with our own unique set of personalities, giftings, and abilities. Only God knew what each individual would need to survive and thrive in the places He designed us to operate. Often times I’m guilty of wishing I was a little bit more of this and a little less of that but I have to mindful that He’s given be everything I need to accomplish His plan and purpose for my life.
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Mar 23, 2010

Always Forever

Came across this verse while reading last night.

I see that the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for he is right beside me. Acts 2:25b

Merriam Webster's dictionary defines shaken as to lessen the stability of, to vibrate especially as the result of shock or a  blow or to dislodge.  But this verse lets me know that even with the many circumstances that life sometimes bring, I don't have to be dislodged from my position in Him or become internally unstable  because I serve a God who is always there with me. One who will be the fourth man in the fire. He is one that will come down to the pit or walk the waters of my storm to be with me.

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Mar 22, 2010

Hide & Seek

No point in HIDING from a God that knows how to SEEK you out, SURRENDER instead.
Psalm 139: 7-8 Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run from you? If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the grave, you are there. (NCV)

Thanks be unto you Lord for finding me when I didn't even realize I was lost.

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Mar 19, 2010

Mindful Ponderings

My mind is pondering about peace. Are there certain images that come to mind when you hear the word peace? What does biblical peace look like in comparison to worldly peace? Jesus declares that he left me a gift of peace for John 14:27 says I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid (NLT). A gift unopened or tucked away is useless. Have I opened the gift or settled for a substitute?

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Mar 18, 2010

Any Mud on Your Soul?

I keep seeing the image of the Red Sea parted with walls of water piled on two sides with dry ground in the middle. This image first came to my mind during Sunday's praise and worship service. Not only was the waters of the Red Sea parting a miracle but also that the Israelites didn't encounter mud. In my own back yard when it rains there are parts of the ground that remain wet and muddy several days after the rain has gone. The ground beneath the Red Sea should have been muddy. And you know mud has a way of sticking onto your shoes and getting tracked into places that you enter- uninvited nonetheless.

I believe some of us are entering into a season where God is going to "clean away the mud" from our souls. In places where our Red Sea has parted, He's going to dry up the ground so that we're no longer stuck. No longer tracking the "mud" of our past into our present or future. The Red Sea represents the hard places He has moved you out of rather that be the pain of physical abuse, sexual abuse, bad relationships, lost of a loved one, bad childhood, addictions, divorce, or whatever your Red Sea my have been. Funny thing is an event can no longer be physically occurring but yet you carry it with you emotionally or psychologically like mud on a shoe. Yet in places that you should have remained stuck  or continued with muddy foot tracks, even if no where else but in your mind, God is going to wash away the mud.

While reading an article from Prophetic Insights from Charisma by Nicki Pfeifer entitled, Five Keys for 2010, I was surprised and delighted to receive confirmation by the words she wrote regarding key #2 God is releasing an anointing to leave your past behind. She writes, "There is a special anointing for inner healing this year. There is a release of grace in the body of Christ to finally put the pain of your past behind you." Read the entire article here.

Photo credit: / CC BY 2.0

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Mar 15, 2010

Spring Is Here-What's Springing Up Within You?

It’s beginning to look like spring around my place. Plum trees and other bushes are beginning to bloom. Upon closer observation of one my plum trees, I see several branches without any signs of spring. Instead these branches are bare, while others around them are covered in blooms. It reminds me of how our lives often are. Certain aspects of our lives can be blooming with newness like spring, while other parts seemingly are in winter -the juxtaposition of being both the best of times and the worst of times. Thank God for a master gardener that knows how to properly prune away every branch in us that produces not fruit and how to lovingly nurture us until it’s our time to bloom. As you take in the sights of spring, take a little time to observe the newness that’s happening with you. Perhaps there's new ideas/mindsets,  new relationships or new ministry opportunities. I pray that you’ll find new and greater levels of His presence, peace, joy, hope, strength, faith and love springing up within you.

Isaiah 43:19a  Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don't you see it?

Father, open our eyes that we might me see what you’re already doing among, within, and around us. We thank you for the new thing that you are doing in our lives.Thank you for new understanding, new revelations, and new mercies. In Jesus name. Amen

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Your Secret Name

As an avid reader, this book trailer really caught my attention. Today is a special launch party for the book and a  number of prizes are being given away. Stop by the site to enter to win.


Mar 13, 2010



If He weren’t exalted,
I would be down!
If He weren’t my joy,
I'd be wearing a frown.
If He weren’t guiding,
I'd stay in my seat.
If He weren’t triumphant,
I'd live in defeat.
If He weren’t the Master,
Where would I go?
If He weren’t the Physician,
Who'd heal my soul?
If He weren’t the Teacher,
How could I learn?
If He weren’t the Answer,
Where would I turn?
If He weren’t Jesus
I’d be in my sin;
If He weren’t the Victor,
I never could win.
If He weren’t the High Priest
I wouldn’t have a prayer.
If He weren’t my peace
I’d be loaded with care.
If He weren’t the Shepherd
I simply would roam.
If He weren’t in heaven
I wouldn’t have a home.

Source: Meet Me In The Meadow: If

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Mar 11, 2010

Food for Thought

There's no place you go in life, that the Word-the Living Word-has not already proceded you.
So where ever you are today, whether that be on the mountaintop, in the valley, walking through the fire, or passing through the water, He has already gone before you. Selah

Mar 9, 2010

Who Are You?

“Then who are you? Tell us, so we can give an answer to those who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?” John 1: 22

In John 1:22 the temple assistants are asking you John a question, “who are you?” These three little words arranged together can often cause a great debate within ourselves. When posed with this question many of us would answer with I’m a so and sos wife, mother, daughter, sister. Or perhaps we’d identify ourselves by our job titles. But the essence of who you are is so much greater than your family role or the letters before and/or after your name. Many times people don’t perceive our value and if truth be told, we often overlooked the value in others. But you’re God’s girl and he DELIGHTS in YOU. He has extreme satisfaction in you. You give Him great pleasure. He wants to show you off. Psalm 18:19 He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me. He delights in you in spite of your short comings, failures, insecurities, wrong deeds and attitudes. I leave you with a few affirmations in response to the question, who are you.

          I am Accepted in the Beloved. Eph 1:6

          I am Complete in Him. Colossians 2:10

          I am Free from condemnation John 5:24

          I am Overtaken with blessings. Deuteronomy 28:2

         I am the Apple of my Father’s eye. Deuteronomy 32:10

        I am Chosen and dearly loved by Christ Ephesians 1:4

Be encouraged as you go about fulfulling your roles today and know that the Almighty God takes delight in you--yes you!

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Mar 8, 2010

Do You Have the Right Attire?

While reading Matthew 22 regarding the wedding banquet, I took particular notice to vs. 12-15 “Friend, he asked how is it that you are without wedding clothes? And the man had no reply. Then the King said to his aides. Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” I don’t know if I’ve ever read those passages of scriptures before. It seemed odd to me that the King would be surprised that one of the guests didn’t have on the proper wedding clothes since the invitation was unexpected. He goes on to have the man tied and thrown into outer darkness. After meditating on it little more, I realized that in fact all kinds of people (good & bad) had been invited. But after receiving the invitation to come to the King’s banquet, I imagined that they changed their garments just like we want to look extra nice when going to some place special. Yet, this person didn’t bother to change but just showed up to see what was going on. He didn’t even reply when the King asked why he was improperly dressed. If he had answered, the King being the King, could have easily obtained the proper attire. The Spirit says some people really don’t want to change their garments (i.e. their deeds, thinking, attitudes) but being the bride of Christ or part of the Kingdom requires a change. He’s called us to put on the new nature of Christ and put away bitterness, wrath, anger, malice, evil speaking. For the areas in our lives that we lack the proper clothing, all that’s necessary is to acknowledge it to our King, who is the only one able to bring about lasting change in our lives. Failure to do so can result in us spending an eternity in outer darkness.
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Mar 5, 2010

Celebration Time Come On!

The other day I was talking with a lady, who has been confined to a bed for almost a year. Her legs immobile with the ability to lay in only one position. Excitedly, she told me about how she was able to stand (although bowed over slightly) briefly on her legs. These were the same legs in which she was unable to lift up even a few inches off the bed. Although she hadn't been able to stand long, she was praising God about the little movement she could see. Movement toward wholeness. Movement toward restoration.

The question on the table is how often do you celebrate or even recognize the little victories in your life? There's been places in my life and yours I imagine that have been straightly shut up. Places of immobility. Locked up places. Your voice, passion, dreams, hopes, emotions, will, heart, and mind are a few places that the enemy can seize. But can you celebrate the little changes that are bringing you closer to complete restoration? Many times we are so focuses on the fact that Lord this is still not the promised place that we miss the little victories along the journey. Just like the Israelites, who didn't get full possession of the promise land all at once neither do we. Exodus 23:30 says: Instead I will force out your enemies little by little and give your nation time to grow strong enough to take over the land. I also like Deut 7:22 So don't be intimidated by them. God, your God, is among you—God majestic, God awesome. God, your God, will get rid of these nations, bit by bit. You won't be permitted to wipe them out all at once lest the wild animals take over and overwhelm you. But God, your God, will move them out of your way—he'll throw them into a huge panic until there's nothing left of them. He'll turn their kings over to you and you'll remove all trace of them under Heaven. Not one person will be able to stand up to you; you'll put an end to them all.(The Message)  So don't be intimidated that the big victory has not been achieved. God-the Awesome, Majestic One- is with you. As you journey with Him, He's changing you…your mind, emotions, will, desires, attitude, and heart. He's making you strong bit by bit. So CELEBRATE the little victories…COME ON!!!!
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Mar 4, 2010

Plugged In

This morning what I seen was a wall socket that's empty with power supply cord nearby yet it's not plugged in. God says that’s how His people are at times. We've been trying to do too much in our strength. Human strength always gets weary or becomes depleted. In this age there's a lot of things to get plugged into. With cell phones, emails, instant messenger, facebook, twitter, and TV, we're always plugged into the latest news, happenings, information, celebrity gossip. However, the most important power source connection lies untapped often. The Internet allows us to be connected to people, places, and ministries all over the world. Even being connected to ministry leaders is not enough because they are human. And human strength always wane at some point. God has given us the Holy Spirit - the ultimate power source. Yet, we still try to fulfill our daily assignments and use our giftings through our own abilities. We can't even love right without being properly connected to the power source. Loving through natural strength alone will diminish because that's what human strength does. The Holy Spirit comes to give us the ability do what we could not do. His job is far greater than a jump, shout, or goose bumps during a weekly church service. He's available everyday to give us a supernatural boast. Getting plugged in is our choice.

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Mar 1, 2010

Revisit the Tomb

Just had a Holy Ghost visitation and He ministered a great little sermonette to me. I finished reading the book of Mark today. In Mark Chapter 16. We see Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of James going back to the tomb to put some spices on Jesus' body. In verse 3, it says that "on the way there they were discussing who would roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb. Yet we know when they arrived at the tomb, they found the stone had ALREADY been ROLLED away. Like you, I've heard or seen this passage of scripture many times and it's often quoted/illustrated around Easter time. However, today the Holy Ghost allowed me to see the text with fresh eyes and new application. I'm saved, so I've already believed and confessed that Jesus died and rose again.
Yet, is there not some other things that are DEAD in our lives? Are not there some things that have been BURIED and TUCKED AWAY in the recesses of our HEART and MIND? Some for many years. Some things have been so deeply buried that we don't even think about them often. Our emotions, heart, mind have become deaden and we've longed since forgotten about there existence, if it were possible. When we see these women in the beginning of chapter 16, they're preparing to go say their FINAL goodbyes to Jesus. They were going to put some sweet smelling stuff on a DEAD body -a DEAD Jesus. Jesus represents HOPE, LIFE, LIGHT, HELP, SUPPORT as these are all the things He promised He was. Yet, now they find all that DEAD but they were preparing to send it off smelling good. Not unlike what we do at times when something we've hoped for, supported, or that brought light into our life fades away. We'll dress it up we sweet smelling phrases like , "must not have been for me anyway", "I'm just fine". However, they weren't in denial that Jesus was dead. And we don't need to be either. Reality is that some things DIED in us, around us, and even through us.

Just as the women went back to the tomb, we need the courage to revisit some tombs in our lives. Their expectation when revisiting the tomb was to put some things to rest. Probably expected to leave in MOURNING and ANGUISH. Unexpectedly, the stone had already been move d away, while they were attempting to ponder how they were going to get the thing done. Some of us are pondering within our selves, "how am I going to get past this" but if we'll muster up the courage to not only revisit the tomb but ENTER in the places that's been BURIED/TUCKED AWAY. We will find that the experience WILL NOT be the same. RESURRECTION POWER had visited the tomb! Just like Mary and the other ladies, instead of leaving the tomb in SORROW, we'll leave in AMAZEMENT and JOY. The Holy Spirit is unctioning us to REVISIT the TOMBS of dead DREAMS, RELATIONSHIP, HOPE, JOY, LOVE, PASSION, PROMISES or whatever may be dead in your life, and TRY AGAIN. The RESURRECTOR has already gone before you to MOVE the STONE away and He promises that it absolutely will not be the same. EXPECT some thing different because DIVINE RESURRECTION has already ARRIVED but you must go to the place you left it.

Father, I pray that you'll give us the courage to go back to those places in our lives that we've locked away and given up hope of any change. Out of obedience to your word and by the power of the Holy Ghost, we move believing that the place may be the same but what we encounter will not be. Thank you for moving us past places and things in our lives that was too hard for us. Thank you for moving us past old hurts, old mind sets, old baggage, old hang ups. We thank you for resurrecting life, love, hope, joy, passion in us. In Jesus Name-Amen

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