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Headed Out, But…

The Watered Soul: Headed Out, But…

Jan 5, 2011

Headed Out, But…

Gen 11-31

He was headed for the land of Canaan, but they stopped at Haran, and settled there. Terah lived for 205 years and died while still in Haron.  Genesis 11:31b-32. (NLT)

Do you see the verbs in this passage of scripture?

HEADED…Terah started moving toward a particular place

STOPPED…but something happened and he stopped progressing toward the specified place

SETTLED…therefore, he chose to take up residence in another place

LIVED…he spent day after day in a place opposite of where he had intended

DIED…he ceased to exist any more after spending much of his life in the place of compromised.

I understand that we all have dreams that don’t quite materialize and at times we find those dreams are exchanged for much better God-ordained dreams. But this passage of scripture just stands out to me today.  Rather than rushing past it to the rest of chapter my eyes and mind were drawn back to these verses. As I reflect upon them, these questions come to mind.

Where was I headed?

What caused me to stop seeking, stop desiring, or stop making progress toward that place?

Have I elected to settle at a place short of the destined place because of disappointment or fear?

Am I willing to spend the rest of my days just settling and not pursuing?

My friend, could there be some place you have settled that God longs for you to start back on the journey toward this year?

Linking up with Word-Filled Wednesday hosted at the Internet Café Devotions.



At January 5, 2011 at 8:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great words. I was reading those passages last night and I didn't notice this. I'll have to go back today and really mediate on them. Thank you for sharing.


At January 5, 2011 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Joanne Sher said...

Oh wow, Wanda. SO much to ponder here. Lots of good questions - LOVE this!

At January 5, 2011 at 9:52 AM , Blogger Alida Sharp said...

Powerful post...
We were headed for at least 20 years in Russia and God gave us five. We are settled now in Belize. But are we really settled here? My aim is to live a life of rejoicing in Him no matter where He takes us.

thank you so much for these words to ponder on.

Happy Word-filled Wednesday!

Joy & Blessings,

At January 5, 2011 at 10:01 AM , Blogger PatriciaW said...

When you put it like that...

A thought-provoking piece, Wanda, one all too meaningful.

At January 5, 2011 at 10:43 AM , Blogger Andrea said...


At January 5, 2011 at 11:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

What wonderful questions to ponder! Thank you so much for sharing your insight!

At January 5, 2011 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Audrey said...

Thank you for these powerful words. God bless you!

At January 5, 2011 at 12:13 PM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

Great words Wanda writen with convistion.


At January 5, 2011 at 12:50 PM , Blogger lori said...

ohhhhh Wanda! It's great to be back! This is just absolutely awesome! The visual and the words! Girl, you are an incredible blessing each week here!

Life interrupts. God intervenes.
Louie Giglio's, Life Interrupted is an awesome one to listen to!

Powerful Word girlfriend!!
Happy New Year! May it be full of peace and grace...

At January 5, 2011 at 1:26 PM , Blogger Kelli said...

I really like the breakdown of this verse. This year I dont want to settle for my best. I want God's best all year through. Great post!

At January 5, 2011 at 2:39 PM , Anonymous Dawn said...

Wow Wanda YES I read that this morning too and your thoughts echo my own for this new year. Where am I going? Such important things to be thinking about. Thanks for dropping by my blog this morning. :)

At January 5, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH I LOVE IT!!!! Love it!! I won't even say much more than that. I LOVE how the power of the Holy Spirit spoke through you on this one.

At January 5, 2011 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow what a great revelation and a great message to reflect, i have to ask myself those questions.

At January 5, 2011 at 6:09 PM , Blogger Peggy said...

Blessings Wanda! Powerful reflection and power packed questions on verses we may just pass by...but your analysis from checking out the verbs is excellent! So I must ponder as well... HEADED out for but STOPPED... where? and what part of my journey do I need to return and pursue? Great questions to start out my new year quest! Thank you for such profound wisdom as you search God's Word in your reading! Love your visual and post!

Peace and joy,

At January 5, 2011 at 8:02 PM , Blogger Sharon said...

Powerful, Wanda!

I'm so glad you brought all of this out of this passage. Yes, in many ways, complacency is a tool of the enemy. We get settled - and often, too secure - in a place that is familiar. Today, in my one-year Bible reading, these verses really stuck out to me. I think it's appropriate to what you're saying here:

"The LORD had said to Abram, 'Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you'...So Abram departed AS THE LORD HAD INSTRUCTED." (Genesis 12:1, 4a)

Lord, never let me get so used to one place - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - that I am unwilling to MOVE when You call...

Thanks, Wanda -


At January 5, 2011 at 9:00 PM , Blogger Bernadine said...

Love those nuggets you shared from that scripture Wanda. They give much to ponder upon.

At January 6, 2011 at 8:48 PM , Blogger Donna said...

Chewing on these rich words and your great questions.

At January 6, 2011 at 9:59 PM , Blogger Wanda said...

Thank you for stopping in and sharing your thoughts. I'm honored that you were able to glean something from the truths that struck me as I did my daily Bible reading. For any place that you have stopped prematurely, I pray that you have the courage and strength to head again. Love & blessings to you.

At January 7, 2011 at 7:38 AM , Blogger Amydeanne said...

great thoughts wanda! how many times we "forget" where we are destined for and stay else where... I've been feeling like that lately and trying to get back on track! Thanks for the great post!

At January 7, 2011 at 10:37 AM , Anonymous Short Poems said...

Great writing Wanda!
Enjoyed it!
Best wishes for 2011!


At January 7, 2011 at 12:37 PM , Blogger Nikki (Sarah) said...

great word

At January 8, 2011 at 8:30 AM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

For your Inspirational faith I have awarded you an award on my Inspiration post.


At January 8, 2011 at 7:07 PM , Blogger Ella said...

I also settled, fear and constantly moving, threw me off course. I had a scare last year, that woke me up...I need to try, not wonder on my death bed,"what if"! I think we have to continue to take steps on paths, we find interesting to keep our passion alive! It is easy to settle, I did it for a long time. It is easier than making waves...I am making waves. Messy ones and I'm happier!
xXx Great post~

At January 9, 2011 at 3:00 PM , Blogger Dena E's Blog said...

What a JOY in His Spirit it is to visit with you here Sis...
Beautiful post as you're sooooo anoited in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.. You're prayer at the end of the posy so fits my heart for Him also...Thanks for ALWAYS sharing about Our God ,, the Only One who Leads and asks us to follow Him with our whole heart mind and soul...
May you continue to feel the best blessing's of His presence Sis~~~Love and Hugs Dena

At January 9, 2011 at 6:59 PM , Blogger lioneagle said...

Hi Wanda -

I love what you did with this - quite artistic indeed!

Also the truth of what you have expressed goes deep...

Thank you, Wanda, for this message that certainly gives cause to ponder!


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