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Did The Den Do You In?

The Watered Soul: Did The Den Do You In?

Nov 30, 2011

Did The Den Do You In?

P1040338Having faith does not prevent you from descending into the pits of life. Instead, faith gives you the ability to remain steadfast as you go through the those pit experiences. People today are still asking the same question King Darius did in Daniel 6:20.

Wanda (insert your name), servant of the living God! Was (is) your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?

Unlike Daniel I have not been thrown into a physical den of lions.  But haven’t we all encountered lions of our own. Being thrown into a lion’s den was not meant to be a leisurely stroll at the school. It was designed to destroy and to kill Daniel.  His adversaries had no expectation of him surviving the experience. What is your lion?What occurred in your life that was poised to tear you and leave you for dead? Some things are sent to destroy your witness, your faith, your character, your marriage, your relationships, your body, your hope, your health, or your mobility.

And you can rest assured that someone is watching to see if you will come out of it alive. But as I pondered over Daniel’s date with the lion’s den, I noticed that not only did he come out of it but he came out without scars. Can we say we came out of the trial without scars? If the enemy can’t stop you from coming out, he will aim to keep you scarred for life. The evidence of scarring shows when we refuse to try again, trust again, love again, hope again, or pursue again.

Dear God, I thank you and I declare that you are mighty! Not only are you mighty enough to bring us out but you are able to make us whole again. Make us whole in our inner man, in our emotions, in our love for one another.  We don’t want to be limited by our pit experiences. May you get the glory out of our lives. In Jesus name. Amen.

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At November 30, 2011 at 7:04 AM , Blogger Just Be Real said...

Great post Wanda. Love that picture too. Blessings.

At November 30, 2011 at 7:57 AM , Blogger Pam Williams said...

Once again, food for thought. I get so much from your ability to take one small passage of Scripture and challenge us with your insights into it, Wanda. This one made me do some reflecting which in turn revealed to me time and time again when God has brought me through without scars.
Thank you, my friend!

At November 30, 2011 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous Renee said...

Love this post! I want to come out of the den victorious. Thanks for inspiring me. Blessings!

At November 30, 2011 at 10:08 AM , Blogger Karen said...

Oh, amen, Wanda! Praying that prayer of victory with you....

At November 30, 2011 at 10:12 AM , Blogger BLUEBUTTERFLY said...

Lord, I too thank you for making me whole again, to love again, to pursue again, and to keep getting up again and again.

At November 30, 2011 at 1:56 PM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

A wonderful post Wanda and soul searching.


At November 30, 2011 at 1:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Amen! We can come out of the pit without scars. And if we are already scarred, God can deliver us and make us whole again. Wonderful encouragement!

At November 30, 2011 at 3:51 PM , Anonymous Angel @ Finding The Inspiring said...

Praise God all his good gifts! Yes, He is mighty. Thank you for this great reminder than God can deliver and redeem us. Amen!

At November 30, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Alida Sharp said...

So grateful that He helps us to come out victorious!!

At November 30, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Blogger Joan Davis (Jo) said...

An encouraging reminder today!

Blessings, Joan

At December 1, 2011 at 12:03 AM , Blogger Ems Makuthi said...

Thanks Wanda for finding me and helping me find you . You know...this is what I needed to hear this morning. I have been in the den a few times, to the point of serious depression . Out I am, but the scars-that is what I need to deal with, to trust, to hope again, to move on and to truly believe God that, that season is gone. Thanks my dear..thanks.. I know God wants to deal with my scars....

At December 1, 2011 at 1:15 AM , Blogger Janis Van Keuren said...

Wanda, this was great. We don't want scars coming out of the pit. Things that leave us unable to love or trust. We may have survived but we won't thrive and give life to others. I've seen that happen in my own life.
Thank you for some great words of wisdom.

At December 4, 2011 at 1:39 PM , Blogger Peggy said...

Amen! WOW Wanda!

This one is powerful! I wish we had "lions" like that one asleep but we all know that
our "enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

I'm so glad I did take time to come and read this one, "the lion drew me here" but not the one that devours, the Great Lion of Judah!
I saw the photo of the lion, and I thought and began singing (and mind you it's Sun. in the middle of 2 church services) "in the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight"
quickly followed by the one by Jason Upton "Lion of Judah" and the strength in the song by Paul Wilbur
that I love so much Lion of Judah ... You have to fill your mind with Godly songs when the others you enjoyed in the past creep in...

I so love what you wrote in your final paragraph before the prayer about scars. Our Lord Jesus has nail print scars in His precious hands and feet and His side lanced. This is so beautifully written:
"The evidence of scarring shows when we refuse to try again, trust again, love again, hope again, or pursue again."

Thank you, this one too speaks loudly to me and strengthens me for the battles! Bless you Wanda!

So thankful I'm not limited by my pit experiences! THE LION OF JUDAH is MIGHTY INDEED! I think I'll go put on my Lion t-shirt and let Him roar!

At December 5, 2011 at 2:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda - this is a great post. i always look at Daniel's den from the perspective of those who got thrown in after. But God's might is definitely the headline here. Excellent. Great encouragement. I want to thank you too for linking up with me. i appreciate it and look forward to seeing you again this week. You are a great woman of God, Wanda. thanks for the encouragement


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