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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: August 2011

Aug 30, 2011

Everybody Needs a Stripper in Their Life

What’s your chosen stripper’s name?  Not the one swinging on the pole. Or the one thatIMG_9553 stimulates your sensuality. Oh no I’m referring to the one that was used as an agent of change in your life.  Strippers come in array of disguises. Just take a look at Joseph’s story in the Bible.
In Genesis 37, we find the story of this young man, who was favored my his father but hated my his own brothers. Joseph was adorned with a special coat signifying the esteemed position he held in his father’s eyes. And if that was not enough, he was a dreamer. All of this contributed to him being put on the strippers’ hit list. For him, his strippers were cloaked in the form of his own brothers. They were determined to dash his hope and kill his dreams so much so that they set a plot to fake his death and secretly sale him into slavery.
But that wasn’t the end of Joseph’s story.  I would imagine that his route from favor to the pit to the place brought about a level of maturity in him that he would have never gained had he not had to experience the heat of his brothers’ vendetta.
Our strippers may not be people but perhaps they are situations like failed marriages, physical/sexual abuse, rejection or disappointments. Regardless of the form the stripper comes in, it’s purpose is the same to render you void of hope, dreams, faith, and identity.
However  your story (and my story) doesn’t have to end there. God can take all of stuff we encounter in this life and work it for our good. Some things like pride, selfishness, and independence gets worked out of us while other things such as perseverance, gentleness, meekness, and love get worked in us. 
Are there some situations in your life that is attempting to hold you hostage and keep you in the grips of pain and despair. If so maybe it’s time you look at from a different perspective, so that you may be able to proclaim the enemy meant for your harm but God worked for your good.

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Aug 24, 2011

In Expectation

Yet my friends laugh at me, for I call on God and expect an answer. Job 12:4a (NLT)
Notice the two verbs in the last section of the passage. One of the definition of call is to make a request or demand, which sounds like prayer to me.PICT3177 For many of us calling on God has become a part of daily lives even if it’s not for extended periods of prayer time, we find ourselves sending up quick Lord help me prayers.
But what is it that you expect from your calling? Do you really anticipate that He will answer? Or have you grown accustomed to calling on Him about the same condition so long that your level of expectation of change has diminished?
As I examined myself in light of this scripture, that wouldn’t let be just cruise on by in my reading, I had to admit that there are some places in my life that my expectation of His answer showing up had dwindled.
Oh Lord forgive me for not fully placing my confidence in you. Thank you for loving me enough that you would bring light to this area of my life. I pray for my brothers and sisters who are also experiencing diminished expectations in areas of their lives. I pray that their faith would be stirred a new. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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Aug 23, 2011

Spiritual Warfare for Women

Can what you don’t know be hurting your home? Your family? Your friends?

According to Leighann McCoy the answer is a resounding YES. In her latest book, Spiritual Warfare for Women, she tackles the subject-spiritual warfare- that many Christians would just assume to pretend doesn’t really exist. But whether we admit it or not we are all in a spiritual battle.  She aims not only to make us aware that there is a real war going on but acts as a spiritual coach helping women to identify the key areas in which the enemy wages  battle against us and arms us with strategies for winning. 

Here’s quote from the book that points out how subtle the enemy’s tactics are:

Caricatures would have you believe that he is a dragon surrounded by fire, or a red monster with horns and a forked tail, or even a slimy snake ready to strike. But most often the devil comes in the form of a compassionate man who is eager to hear how your man isn’t measuring up…or a chocolate cupcake piled high with icing that promises to make you feel better for yelling your kids this morning…or a friend eager to hear the intimate details of your problems at home so that she can offer her compassion and remind you that you are too good to put up with that. Never does the object of temptation reveal itself to be as wicked as it truly is.

The book is divided into four sections:

  • Part One: The Most Powerful Weapon of All-God’s Love
  • Part Two:  The Enemy Exposed
  • Part Three: The Targets in Our Lives
  • Part Four: Victory is Mine

Each chapter of the book concludes with scriptures to sharpen your sword and creative exercises to help you commit the Word to memory, which I really liked.  McCoy uses a conversational style tone and shares her own personal battles with cancer and raising her teen daughter.

About the Author:
Leighann McCoy is sought-after speaker and writer. She is the prayer and women’s minister at a large Southern Baptist Church where her husband serves as pastor, and she has written a number of devotionals and Bible studies for women. She lives with her family in Franklin, Tennessee.

About the book:

ISBN: 978-0-7642-0890-4
Pages: 239
Publisher: Bethany House
Year: 2011


Here’s a sneak peek inside:

Spiritual Warfare for Women

Disclosures: I was provided a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Aug 19, 2011

Do Your Own Job

It isn’t your responsibility to plan your future. That has been planned before your life began (remember He saw every day of your life before you were born). You are being conformed to His image. Every incident, every setback, every disappointment, every unexpected tragedy are to be used to further His purpose of conforming you to His likeness in your life and in my life.

This quote stood out to me in a devotional I read this morning by Anabel Gillham. I have been guilty lately of trying to work out the  details of my life and nothing has come together  as I had planned. And then comes along these words to warn me that I have attempted to take on a job that is not my responsibility.


Aug 11, 2011

What’s Your Writing Style?

Cruzing the blogosphere I am amazed at all the sheer talent that exist. So many captivate me with their vibrant way with  words.  Others enchant me with their ability to interject humor in their writing.

As I was blog hopping I discovered the link to a fun site that analyzes your writing style. Reportedly I write like Margaret Mitchell. If you are like me, you’re like who is that. Apparently Ms. Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind.

Now go ahead and give it a try and see who’s your famous writing twin.

I write like
Margaret Mitchell

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

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Aug 9, 2011

Young and In Love

 Young & Love

In a time when more people are foregoing marriage, Pastor Ted Cunningham’s book, Young and In Love, not only advocates marriage but he is a proponent of individuals tying the knot at younger ages.

We have adapted to getting our life in order first  and marrying last. We don’t want a spouse to screw up our plans or tweak them.

While Young and in Love is a stark contrast to some of the ideologies I held toward marriage, I found the author made valid arguments that challenged my thinking and made me reconsider  what I deemed as essentials for marriage. I love it when a book does this.  He points out consequences to delayed marriage such as:  removal of grandparents from families, prolonged adolescent, self-centeredness,  independence, and fewer choices in partners. 

You see, time alone is not the  primary tool of character building. We develop our characters through pain, trials, and difficulty and by how we choose to handle this adversity, not through simple independence. Marriage offers plenty of opportunities to grow our character because it forces us to think about someone other than ourselves.

I  found that he painted a balanced view of unnecessary delays like money, career, dream weddings, living together and waiting to find your soul-mate with necessary delays such as completing high school, avoiding rushes due to pregnancy, military deployment or desire for sex, and dating someone who is not a believer. Pastor Cunningham does not encourage recklessly jumping into marriage but rather guides them into examining the four C’s: character, chemistry, competency, and calling.

Who is the book for?

According to the author, the book is not for those who are decidedly single, seeking love but can not find it, nor for those seeking to learn contentment while waiting to be found. Instead, Pastor Cunningham targets this book for those who are in their late teens or early 20s , already in love with someone and desiring to marry but are meeting the you are too young opposition by family and friends.  Admittedly, I don’t fall into this category but the premise of the book still drew my attention due to my curiosity regarding what makes marriages work.

Whether you are young and in love, a parent, or just family member of someone who is, I would recommend  reading this book. You might find that you are one of the little foxes that could destroy love and/or marriage.

From the back cover:

Developing a godly relationship can be hard when you fall in love at a young age. Few people offer support. Many doubt your love is real. It seems almost everyone-your friends, your parents, even your church-thinks you’re much too young for marriage. You’re not ready. But maybe that’s not true.

Pastor Ted Cunningham reveals the secrets to creating a healthy, successful, and lifelong relationship in early adulthood. He explains where the arguments against young marriage often go wrong. Then he offers wisdom on how to know if you are making the right choice and helps you understand what it takes to be ready for marriage. And along the way, he sows you that, far from kissing dating good-bye, the answer to staying pure might be to prepare for marriage. Because it’s often easier to say, “Let’s wait,” when “I do” isn’t so far away.

Disclosure: I was provided a complimentary copy of the book by The B&B Media Group in exchanged for my unbiased review.

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Aug 1, 2011

Were All the Tears Wasted?

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126:6

TearI must confess I am a crier. (I already feel better getting that off my chest…lol) The tears flow on many occasions like when I’m sad, frustrated, or angry. Just last night I was admitting to someone that I cry, yep even at my age. I can recall times that my life was filled with tears. My every morning cry was Lord help me to be better and not bitter. When your in a place of sorrow getting up and getting out is no easy task. To get moving when you would rather just pull the covers up over your head and call it a day is laborious. But to be purposeful in your sorrow and sow is even more admirable.

Have you ever had to serve others while inside you were weeping? God saw it even when no else could see past the façade of your smile. He knows the struggle it was to continue on when you would have rather stopped. But your coming back will not be the same as your going out. The weeping will not last.

Are you purposefully sowing even when you are experiencing personal sorrow?  Are you able to sow a word of encouragement, sow a smile, sow a good deed? Or do you find yourself too consume with your own problems to realize that you still have something of value to give to others?

This post is being linked with Monday Manna

Photo Credit: Morguefile

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