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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: March 2011

Mar 29, 2011

Keep it Tied Tight

Behind those crisp pages a new story unfolds. There lies a new truth to be discovered. Big ones, little ones, entertainment ones, or enlightening ones…I am never too far away from a book. Even with all the advances in technology, I still prefer to clutch them in my hands.

Today as I read this passage in Deuteronomy 29:18, So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders, I was reminded of the importance of maBOAT_HANDS_(2)king THE BOOK the number one book I keep grasped in my hands.

His Word was not meant to be tucked away on shelves only to be brought out on special days of the week. The more our hands are found tied to His Word the more seeps down into the crevices of heart. And just when life dishes out something you think you can’t handle, the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance a word…the Word that sustains, comforts, guides or corrects.

May a hunger for His Word be stirred a fresh in each of us today.

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Mar 24, 2011

I am…

How would you finish that statement today? Would it be tired, weary, confused, scared or disappointed? Go away ahead and answer it honestly. It’s just between you and the Father and no matter if your I am statement is positive or negative, He’s not intimidated by your I am(s).

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is Him. Psalms 62:5 (NLT)


If I am weary

       am confused

       am sick

       am hurt

       am disappointed

I will not attempt to hide it but will bring it before Him.

Even if I am scornful

                 am lustful

                 am prideful

                 am bound

That too will I bring to Him.  Yes, it will wait with me. Why?  Because He is our only hope for true strength, peace, healing, deliverance or lasting change.

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Mar 16, 2011

Still I Sing

bird soar

Inspired by the song of the birds

Been through the stark darkness of the night
Wasn’t sure if I’d ever see the slightest crack of light
but still I sing

Devastation and destruction surrounds me
I’m not even able to take flight
But even now I choose to sing!

Betrayed and wounded my wings find no strength to soar
Things appear hopeless but I dare to dream there’s so much more
But today I still sing

I sing not because all is good
Rather I’m thankful that things are not as it could
I sing because You are worthy
So whether in a whisper or in an exuberant voice
to sing unto You is an easy choice.

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Mar 15, 2011

Up for a Challenge?

Life throws us a bunch of challenges. Most times we don’t have the option of choosing which ones we will gladly accept and the ones we had rather pass. But every now then, you do get a choice. This April Arlee Bird is giving  bloggers around the world the opportunity to build a little blogging muscles with the return of the A to Z Challenge.

Participants are challenged to write a blog post, relating to the letter of the day, everyday except for Sunday during the month of April. I know, I know you are already juggling a bunch of to do(s) so why would any sane person take on such a feat? As a newbie blogger last year, I chose to join the first A to Z Challenge. Now I had no clue as to what I was really getting into but it proved worth my while. Here’s a few of the benefits I received.

Good community support. I met such a welcoming community of bloggers through the challenge and several of them I continue to maintain virtual friendships. 

Wider blog reach. When I started writing down my thoughts in a blog, I couldn’t begin to imagine that others would find value in my writing. Through the blog challenge my blog readership moved beyond the support of my sister to many around the world. I’m still in awe every time I read a comment from someone who has read my thoughts.

Focused regularity. Although a letter theme can leave things pretty wide open, it helped to give me focus and to get in the habit of writing on a regular basis. As you can see from the looks of things around here,  I have kind of gotten out of the habit of writing regularly.

And the best part is you don’t have to change your blog’s ultimate focus. All types of bloggers participate from poets, authors, cooks to those with a spiritual theme.

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Mar 14, 2011

Not Left to My Own Devices

"For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13, NKJV)

I remember the first time I discovered this verse and really contemplated its meaning. I had a light bulb moment. Not only did God give me new desires but He equips me with the power/ability to follow through and act upon those desires. He does not leave me to depend upon my will power alone.

Which happens to be a good thing because sometimes, if truth be told, I don’t have the will to do what pleases Him.  I had much rather cling to self-righteousness than to forgive like He commands of me. So He has to do a work on my will.  I don’t think it’s mere coincidence that the scripture lists will first. Without having first the mind to do, we will never get busy with the doing.

Most things God calls us to do goes against our natural inclination but He gives us the power to do them. Whose power are you relying on to get things done?

desire + power + my cooperation = accomplishment

if anything is missing from the equation nothing really gets done.

desirepower + my cooperation = frustration

power - desire  = no cooperation from me

For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him. Phil 2:13 (NLT)

Lord, I thank you that you are at work within me at this very moment. Thank you for giving me the willingness and the power to obey your word. I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters and those that are lost. Align our wills with your will God. Helps to remember you have already provided what we need to please you. We choose to accept the gift and we cooperate with the work you are doing within in us. In Jesus name. Amen.

Linking up with Monday Manna, which is being hosted by Vonnie at My Back Door.

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Mar 7, 2011

Better Than Hamburger Helper

Looking for a way to dress up that lone package of ground beef? General Mills offers individuals a quick and easy way to present that ground beef in a more tasty manner. Wikipedia states that the contents of the box are combined with02-11-10 025 browned hamburger meat, water, and milk (something the cook has to have on a hand already) to create a complete dish.

In the same way, God has given the believer a prayer helper—the Spirit. When we combine the Spirit with our weaknesses and willingness to pray, we have a prayer that is complete and free of selfish ambition and manipulation. The Spirit knows the mind and heart of the Father and only prays according to His perfect will.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26 NIV

For more Monday Manna thoughts visit Joanne at An Open Book. Monday Manna


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Mar 3, 2011

God Wants to Heal You

God wants to heal you
Everywhere you hurt , Everywhere you hurt
God will see you through
He'll take the pain away

God Shall provide for you
Each and everyday
So lift your hands and say
Lord i need you, i need you right away


Woke up this morning with this song playing in my head.

Mar 2, 2011

What to Wear?

Wondering what to wear today? God has something special picked out for you today. Nope, you will not find it hanging in your closet beside your favorite pair of jeans. But it is just as essential as your go to black dress. For a glimpse of God’s favorite attire on you:

Colossians 3:12:  So chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. (The Message)

God's Dress

For more Word-Filled Wednesday Devotions visit Internet Café Devotions.


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Mar 1, 2011

The Winner is...(Revised)

A new winner has been selected since no response from the original winner.  Congratulations to Joanne on winning a copy of The Life Ready Woman by Shanti Feldhahn and Robert Lewis.  Winner has 24hrs to response to email notification

the life ready woman

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