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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: June 2011

Jun 29, 2011

Strength for Today


There are days that I feel feel tattered and worn like this old door. But as I stumbled across verse 25 of Deuteronomy 33, I was encouraged and invigorated knowing that God gives me strength equal to the day’s challenges.

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Jun 21, 2011

Where Art Thou?

Where ever you are God sees it but do you?

He is not intimated by your location-whether it be a  physical, mental, or spiritual place.

All He wants from you is you to realize where you are. He extends the same questions to each individual as he did to Adam in the garden.

Where art thou?

What is your real location? Not the one you that you would have everyone else to believe you are but rather the place where you retreat to  in the solace of your mind.

Where are thou?

God doesn’t ask us to get ourselves from the place but only acknowledge that we are there.

Here is where I am.

I am distracted.

I am frustrated at times.

I am afraid at times.

I am confused.

I am scattered.

I am lonely.

I am tired.

I am disappointed.

I am questioning.

I am thinking of quitting.

I am considering giving up.

I am seeking for direction.

Yep I AM all of that. Nope I didn’t throw any of those good things but rather exposing the inner struggles of where I am currently. Why do I dare pull the cover back—only because God requests that I do.

During my time of prayer, praise and worship to Him, He reminded me that where ever I am, I can admit that to Him even when I can’t articulate it to others.

And when I admit where I am is when I AM reveals Himself to me in other faucets.

When I am confused, the I AM is my SHEPHERD.

When I am tired, the I AM is my STRENGTH.

When I am disappointed, the I AM is my HOPE.

When I am distracted, I AM restores my SIGHT.

When I am lonely, I AM is my COMFORT.

When I am lost, I AM is my WAY.

When I am thinking of quitting, I AM UPHOLDS me.

Lord I thank you that you are the great I AM. Your greatness super exceeds any of my past, present, or future I am (s) . Thank you for renewed strength and power today. Father I lift up my sisters and brothers and pray that wherever they are that your glory would be revealed to them in that very place. In Jesus name, Amen.


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Jun 16, 2011

When Loving You is Wrong

Image Courtesy of Morguefile
I remember the lyrics of song that said if loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Kind  of sounds like a song a hopeless (or should a say reckless) romantic might sing. I have had my own encounter of loving when it was wrong. And wouldn’t you know I found myself in the Word of God as I read I Kings 11. My sneaky suspicion was confirmed that I was not the only one to find themselves on the wrong side of love.
Solomon-the wisest person in the world and a king no doubt-found himself in a precarious position. He had a thing for foreign women. Even after receiving clear instructions to avoid them.
The LORD had clearly instructed his people not to intermarry with those nations, because the women they married would lead them to worship their gods. I Kings 11:2a
Solomon was a man well versed in God’s Word and man full of wisdom.
Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. I Kings 11:2b
I guess he wasn’t willing to give them up so he could be right. Some how he consider them worth the cost of being wrong.
Stay tuned as I explore the cost he paid for loving when it’s wrong.

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Jun 14, 2011

Life After Yes {Teaser Tuesday}

But even as I say these words, I know I don’t mean them. Again I know better. There aren’t any accidents. For the most part, we do things intentionally, don’t we?  Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Life after yes

Teaser Tuesday is weekly book meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Got an interesting quote from a book you read recently?

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Jun 13, 2011

Monday Manna…1 John 5:4

Sharing my thoughts on this week’s Monday Manna verse over at An Open Book.

Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4 (NIV)

As I read this verse today, the word overcomes leapt out at me. For me to OVER come anything, it first must COME.  Yep, even all the stuff I would rather stick my head in the sand and avoid,  it MUST come.

Essentially this verse says to me that yes

heartache did COME

trouble does COME

trials do COME

struggles COME

but I get OVER them not because I’m so smart but only because of faith in Him. It is Him that gives us the VICTORY OVER the things that COME into our lives.

For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. (NLT)

No matter what is come into your life at this time know that victory has already been declared for you.

Monday Manna

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Jun 8, 2011

Got You Covered

Mountain Surround

I have never been to Jerusalem but I have seen mountains. They are massive and I pale in comparison to them. Same way with my God. He is bigger than me, can see farther than me, and He sits higher than me. 

I like The Message translation as well

Mountains encircle Jerusalem,
and God encircles his people—
always has and always will.

Happy Word-filled Wednesday!

And thanks so much for your prayers for my sister, she is doing better but still in the hospital.

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Jun 6, 2011

He Keeps Watch

God’s faithfulness continues to amaze me. This weekend the unexpected happened-a medical emergency that could have resulted in my older sister’s death BUT God! He keeps us from dangers that we don’t even know exist. 

 A song for the ascent to Jerusalem. I look up to the mountains -- does my help come from there?  My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth!  He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps.  The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade.  The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon at night. The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life.  The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Psalms 121 (NLT)

Would you agree in prayer with me that she has a full recovery with no adverse reactions from any treatment?
