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But What About the Brook

The Watered Soul: But What About the Brook

Jul 14, 2011

But What About the Brook

Amongst all the disarrayed thoughts, the account of Elijah at the brook of Cherith has been lodged in my mind for several days now. Some how I keep having reoccurring encounters with this story. My sister brings it up during a conversation and then my devotional  book just happens to have a passage of scripture from this particular event in the Bible.  Seems as if someone has been flashing a neon light at me that I need not flippantly pass by.

After a while the brook dried up because there was no rain in the land. And the word of the Lord came to him: I kings 17:7-8 (AMP)

While I have heard of Elijah’s experience at the brook before, I had never considered how he must have felt as he sat and watch the brook come to a dry dust bowl. In my mind, I imagine him wondering how exactly did he get here. After all, he was following God’s command. But after a while that place no longer provided provision. I wonder if he might have become antsy and was tempted to get moving elsewhere when in noticed the continually dwindle water supply. Had he possible cooked up his own plan B? Did he wonder if he had some how “missed” God on this one?

To remain steadfast beside the brook until it dried up displayed Elijah’s trust in God’s ability and willingness to provide for his needs.  To stay when tempted to run out and do our own thing reveals our refusal to be lead by our own understanding.

One thing I noticed was that Elijah only received his next instruction after the brook dried up. Which brings to mind how I’m often trying to figure out the next steps along the path rather than just trusting that the Master will direct my footsteps.

Here’s an excerpt from Streams in the Desert:

Most of us would have become anxious and tired, and would have made other plans long before God spoke. Our singing would have stopped as soon as the stream flowed less musically over its rocky bed. We would have hung our harps on the willows nearby and begun pacing back and forth on the withering grass, worrying about our predicament. And probably, long before the brook actually dried up, we would have devised some plan, asked God to bless it, and headed elsewhere.

Have you found yourself sitting along you own brook of Cherith recently? Did you step out into something in which you felt was spirit-inspired only to see it dwindle away? Were you able to sit patiently as it dried up or did you find yourself gravitating to cooking up your own options?

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At July 14, 2011 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda - This is so true. We've been waiting on the Lord for something and we believe He is going to come through for us, but as time has gone by and we have felt pressure, we start thinking, did we hear right? Is there a plan b? etc. Thanks for the encouragement to hang in there in faith.
God bless

At July 14, 2011 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow you have a thought provoking post with this scripture. I have another scripture that has been coming to me but not sure I can make sense with it....Elijah was at a tough place with the water dried up.

At July 14, 2011 at 8:06 AM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

Yes indeed Wanda very thought provoking, making a wonderful read.

Have a good day

At July 14, 2011 at 9:20 AM , Blogger BLUEBUTTERFLY said...

Wanda, what can I say? I've been looking around at the dryness and clinging to God. I'm praying for those who are sinking, unable to hold on. It takes unshakable faith to stand still, to be still, even when things seem completely out of the expected sequence.

Yet praising Him!!!!!

At July 14, 2011 at 12:00 PM , Blogger Joanne Sher said...

This passage grabbed me in Streams in the Desert too. Thanks so much for your thoughts. Waiting for Him is hard, but we must.

At July 14, 2011 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Pam Williams said...

What a wonderfully encouraging post, Wanda. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and faith with us.
Pam at

At July 14, 2011 at 8:06 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wanda, I never noticed this before. Elijah's next instruction didn't come until after the brook dried up. Wow! I want to have that kind of relationship with my God, that no matter what, I won't move until He says to go. Great post!

At July 14, 2011 at 8:27 PM , Blogger Peggy said...

Blessing Wanda...What a thought provoking post about Elijah! I love how you pointed out his steadfastness beside the brook! I guess I've found myself more than once along my own brook. Your questions were good for me. I enjoy your insights and reflections as well as Streams in the Desert. Certainly appropriate in this case pointing out our frail reactions. I think there may have been a time or two when I hung up my harp and paced. Ohhh the humanness of it all. Hoping that I am done with doing it my way and that I'm learning to wait on the Lord!

You are so right! Sometimes God sends the same message from everywhere hoping we get the picture. Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy a great weekend.

Thirsty for more.

Peace and JOY,

At July 15, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Blogger Wanda said...

Yes He was Kim. If something keeps reoccurring it does us well to delve a little deeper to see what God may be trying to relay to us. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Thanks, Yvonne. Always a pleasure to have you stop by.

Hi Tracy, I understand about how as time passing by doubts can try to creep in. Praying that your faith fails not. Blessings to you.

Bluebutterfly clinging to the vine is the best place when can find ourselves in whatever season we may be.

Joanne, I'm learning more and more about the strength necessary to really wait upon Him.

Pam, it was one those things that I just couldn't get past. Thus I wrote to try to make sense of the things in my head. Pleasure to have you stop in.

Lisa, in all the times that I have read/heard of Elijah's story, I hadn't really paid much attention to it either.

Peggy hope you a wonderful weekend as well.

At July 18, 2011 at 7:57 AM , Anonymous JBR said...

Wanda, thank you for sharing on this. Blessings.

At July 18, 2011 at 8:10 AM , Blogger Beth in NC said...

Wanda, FIRST, I have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of your site! I especially love your design repeated in your quote box! You go girl! Love it!

Second, what a great observation! I probably would have been fearful and having a big ol' pity party!

I just watched Moses (Ben Kingsley version) and placed myself in the shoes of the Israelites -- in the shoes of Moses as well. I wept and prayed for God to have mercy on all of us.

Thank you for sharing your heart!


At July 18, 2011 at 11:37 AM , Blogger Ella said...

Wow, this one is tough; sometimes I have had to move on other times I have sat~ Powerful post!xXx

At July 18, 2011 at 4:07 PM , Blogger Sharon said...

Oh Wanda, so eloquently spoken. It was really good to be reminded of this story of Elijah. I am comforted by the example of these great pillars of the faith. They were also human, after all - and they got scared and discouraged. But, their faith speaks to me and encourages me.

I do not wait patiently - because a "dry brook" usually gets me nervous. Oh, how I must remember this fact - that even in the driest desert wilderness, Living Water still flows!


At July 18, 2011 at 11:25 PM , Blogger Arlee Bird said...

When everything's going just fine in our lives it's sometimes easy to put God at the back of our priority list and we stop listening. It's often in our times of trials that God's voice becomes audible and we hear what he is telling us.

Tossing It Out

At July 19, 2011 at 5:40 PM , Blogger Dawn M. Hamsher said...

Oh, how we want to handle our own destinies. I need constant reminders to ask God what he wants for my life.

Thank you, Wanda.

The Write Soil

At July 19, 2011 at 7:54 PM , Blogger A Stone Gatherer said...

I so have done that! Glad that God was patient with me and that I hopefully am becoming a better student and daughter! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am loving my study in the books of Peter.

At July 20, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Blogger Shanda said...

This is so good. I am an inpatient person and so often take off ahead of God rather than waiting for him.

At July 21, 2011 at 9:16 PM , Blogger Cynthia said...

Oh Wanda, I love this post! Yes, I have found myself sitting beside that dried-up brook. And, yes, I became antsy. No, I didn't move, I just prayed harder and tried to have faith during the dry spell. Then, I remembered what the Lord told me to do in such circumstances: pray, listen, wait, have faith, and look more closely at the brook. Sometimes, there is an obstruction in the way and all you have to do is move it. Many blessings and thank you, so much!

At August 2, 2011 at 6:50 AM , Blogger lioneagle said...

Hi Wanda -

I much enjoyed this read. It stirred my soul juices indeed!

Thank you

You expressed, "One thing I noticed was that Elijah only received his next instruction after the brook dried up."

Praise GOD for rivers in the desert and a way in the wilderness.
Truly, He keeps proving that He reigns over ALL!!!


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