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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: December 2010

Dec 31, 2010

Traveling Shoes

On_the_sand_EF_3723Ever since I read Ellie’s post on a reverb prompt regarding travel, I have found myself pondering about the places I have travelled during the course of 2010. Not so much the physical places, although I did do a bit of that too. defines travel as to go from one place to another, as on a trip; journey or to advance or proceed.

As I reflect back over the year, I can see where I stopped along so many places. I spent some time wondering through desert lands, where I seen no evidence of God’s presence or picture of His plan unfolding. I crotched along the sea of complaints and sometimes I settled amidst places of comfort rather than forging ahead courageously. There were times that tears seem to be my drink of choice.

I walked through dark days but I learned how to allow the light within to lead the way. The bands of fear that kept me immobile were loosen. Along this year’s journey I’ve battled the blahs, insecurity, doubt, and weariness.  With shaking knees and trembling voice, I confronted fear and completed the assignment God gave me for the year.

I still live in the same city and in the same house. Work at the same job and attend the same church. A part of the same family. But I’m not in the same place I was at the beginning of the year. For all of the hills and valleys I traveled thorough were needful for me.

Lord as I stand on the brink of the close of 2010, I say thank you. The journey has not always been fun or easy but you have remained at my side. I don’t know what 2011 will bring but I place my hand in yours trusting that you’ll lead and guide me through.

Wishing you safe travels & Happy New Year!

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Dec 29, 2010

Speak Up

As I read my daily scriptures a piece of a passage of scripture from Proverbs 31:8a resonated with me.

Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves; (NLT)


speak upImmediately my mind goes to the helplessness of children. But there are many who are without a voice.  Cut on the TV, listen to radio, or sit among people and no doubt you will hear a lot of talk. But how much of it is being used to speak for the nameless millions who are unable to speak for themselves?

On a personal level it has me contemplating this question: Am I using my voice as an instrument for others? I think back to all the times I was unable (and still am at times) to speak for myself due to fear. Fear has a way of slamming a person mouth shut tight.

Lord help us to see past the smiles and hear beyond the nice platitudes of those we encounter. May we discern the hurt, pain, or hopelessness they’re unable to voice and may we bring it before you on their behalf.  In Jesus name.


Linking up with Internet Café Devotions for Word-Filled Wednesday.

Dec 22, 2010

Full of His Glory {WFW}


Hab 2-14

background photo courtesy of

May your Christmas be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.

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Dec 21, 2010

Favor Has Its Own Cost

Like many this time of year, I have been reflecting upon the story of Jesus’ birth. On Mary in particular. From Biblical accounts there was nothing special about this young girl in particular. Yet God singled her out for the greatest assignment—to birth the Savior of the world. On an ordinary day to an ordinary virgin girl, an extraordinary visitor arrived an interrupted the ordinariness of her life. Luke 1: 28 states the angel had the following greeting for Mary,

“Hail thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary defines favor as gaining approval, acceptance, or special benefits or blessings. I like Merriam-Webster’s definition as well, defines favor as friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior.  Some how this ordinary virgin girl had gained approval, acceptance or friendly regard by her ultimate superior, God. I am amazed at her response to such favor. With only one spoken question, she faithfully accepts the will of God.

To be favored for such an assignment sounds fascinating  but I wonder did Mary fully understand the magnitude of her yes to favor.   The favor that she didn’t even ask for positioned her for threats. The favor of God threatened her:

  • Relationships:  Because of what she was carrying, Joseph was preparing to walk away from their engagement.
  • Reputation:  The Bible does not go into detail but I can just imagine that the towns people had plenty to say about this young unmarried girl becoming pregnant. Can’t you just hear their whispers and see those funny glances? If Joseph doubted Mary’s purity how much more would the neighbors.
  • Plans:  Before the favor showed up, she and Joseph already had things set in motion for their future marriage. But the impending birth threaten to bring her planned future to a halt.

As I meditate upon these three areas, I am reminded that Mary was not the only to face such assaults. Joseph had the favor of God but it lead to strained relationship with his own family members. So much so that they sold him into slavery. Of course, the favor followed him there as well. His run-in with Potiphar’s wife threatened his reputation.  And I can just imagine that as he sat in the pit and the prison that his vision of his life looked as if it would never come into fruition.

To be favored is a blessing but it is not void of cost.

Dec 20, 2010

And the Winner is…

Drum roll….

The winner of the Mix It Up blog design package is Monica of Wisdom Virtue & Rubies


Ellen of  A Season for All Things is the winner of the Surprise blog design package.

Congratulations ladies and hope you two enjoy your redesign. Thanks to everyone who signed up. Wish I could put a little something in each of your stockings but do know your visits throughout the year have been much appreciated.

My apologies for getting the announcement of the giveaway winners up so late today.  Winners have 24hrs to respond or another winner will be selected.


Dec 18, 2010

My Goodie Box

Recently, I won a giveaway from one my blogger friends Ella of Ella’s Edge. Today I received the package and I was delightfully surprise. Ella had all sorts of goodies tucked away in the box and the absolute cherry on top was the sweet note she included in the package. I was blessed enough to meet her virtually through Arlee’s A-Z challenge in April. Every since she’s been just a sweet dose of encouragement to me.


She’s a very crafty and talented lady, who has her own etsy shop. Ella made the two pouches shown.  And here is a peek of the goodies I received. 


Ella's Edge Creations 


Thanks so much Ella; wish you could have seen the smile on my face as I discovered each gift. I’m looking forward to seeing the bulbs bloom.



Don’t forget to sign up for my Christmas giveaway. Deadline Sunday, Dec 19th.


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Dec 17, 2010

Christmas Giveaway-{CLOSED}

Could your blog use a new look for the new year? If so be sure to sign up for my Christmas giveaway. 

Two lovely readers will get the opportunity to give their blogs a new look. For a chance to win simply leave a comment on this post or the original giveaway announcement post. 

I really appreciate each of you who have stopped in at the Watered Soul throughout the year. Your presence has truly blessed me. 

Giveaway ends December 19th.


Dec 15, 2010

There’s Room Here



The Christmas season is a time filled with many things.

Tables spread with decadent treats.

Christmas trees brimming with presents.

Calendars full of activities.

Homes filled with family and friends. 

Radio stations filled with Christmas tunes.

Stores full of shoppers looking for the perfect item.

Lists full of things to do.

With so much activity it can be easy to allow our lives to become so full that we squeeze out the very reason for the season.


12 Make sure that when you eat and are satisfied, build pleasant houses and settle in, 13 see your herds and flocks flourish and more and more money come in, watch your standard of living going up and up - 14make sure you don't become so full of yourself and your things that you forget God, your God, the God who delivered you from Egyptian slavery; Deuteronomy 8:12-14 (The Message)


May We Never Forget Him!





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Dec 14, 2010

Naughty or Nice {Giveaway}-CLOSED

I’ve checked my list once and now twice.
And it seems you’ve all be so very nice during my short blogging life.
So much so that I wanted to pass along something to stuff your stocking

but instead I’m offering two lovely readers
the opportunity to trim their blog.

Gift package #1 is a Mix It Up package blog design  from Robins Blog
which includes: (2 or 3 column)
1 removable background
1 removable header
1 blog button
1 post divider (includes signature)
1 sidebar divider
(winner’s choice)

Gift package # 2 contains one Surprise Package blog design  from Robins Blog
which includes: (2 or 3 column)
1 background paper (scrolling or stable)
1 header
Up to 7 Extras (perhaps Santa will give you more!)
(Robin picks the design)
Note: Packages do not include the price of scrapbook kits or specialty fonts. Therefore winner will be responsible for cost should they choose to include these in their design.
How to enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post stating one thing you would like to change on your blog or listing one of the items on your Christmas wish list this year.

  Extra Entry:
2. Visit Robins blog portfolio and tell me which one is your favorite and leave a  separate comment.
**You MUST be a FOLLOWER to enter **
Deadline to enter is 12 midnight Sunday, December 19.
Winner announced Monday xmasdivider


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It’s Your Call

Ever wondered why you are here? What exactly is your purpose in the grand scheme of life?  Those are questions I have pondered more than once or twice during the years. In fact, there was a period in my 20’s that I was on an all out quest to discover my God given purpose. The issue of purpose and calling has been of great interest to me so when the opportunity came to read Gary Barkalow’s latest book entitled It’s Your Call, I quickly seized the chance. image001 (1)


And, I was not disappointed. By far It’s Your Call is one of the best books I have read regarding calling. It is not your typical how to manual filled with questionnaires and gift analysis tests. Through personal reflections of his life and scripture application, he encourages the reader to  move past the confines of tests, job titles, and positions to discover and develop their weightiness. This discovery and development can only take place through paying attention to our lives and intimacy with the Father. He points out that each individual has a glory, splendor, beauty, abundance, brilliance, or weightiness that the world is waiting to experience.


One of the highlights of the book for me was how Gary explained there are four primary ways that the enemy prevents us from operating in our glory. The 4-d strategies include:

  • Distance-uses old wounds to push us away from the desires written upon our heart.
  • Diminish-causes one to underestimate the value of their weightiness often through comparisons.
  • Disdain-leads one to hate the way they use their gifting
  • Disqualification-makes one feel unworthy of walking in their calling because of sin or shortcomings.

The book provides a fresh perspective on an age old topic. I would recommend this book to anyone who has taken all the assessment tests but are still searching for purpose.


Disclosure: I was provided a complimentary copy of the book by The B&B Media Group for review purposes. Views and opinions expressed are my own.


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Dec 12, 2010

A Distorted View

Today’s message dealt with a passage from Mark 22-25 about a blind man who was taken to Jesus  to be healed. The speaker pointed out that the first thing Jesus choose to do was to take the blind man out of the town. No doubt the town was a place of familiarity to him. In their own environment, most blind people can successfully maneuver around because they’ve learned where everything is located. Next Jesus does another rather strange thing, He spits on the man’s eye and lays His hand on him and asks a questions. Can you see anything? What the man reported he seen was not accurate so Jesus touched his eyes again. With the second touch came clear vision.

As I reflect back on today’s lesson, I can’t help but ponder and look through the file cabinet of mind and ask God what areas in my life have I been seeing men as trees. Men aren’t trees and trees don’t walk. So if what I see is distorted, my reactions to the situation, person, event will be inaccurate and inappropriate.

Father take me beyond the place of familiarity and comfort. Touch my eyes again that I may see things clearly. I don’t want to operate from a false view of myself or others. Help me to see things as they really are and not through tinted glasses stained by old hurts, wounds, and bad experiences. Yes, Lord I do see something but what I see doesn’t line up with your Words says so touch my eyes again. Only you can restore sight.


Dec 7, 2010

Do It Again

1 It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion's exiles. 2 We laughed, we sang, we couldn't believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations - "God was wonderful to them!" 3 God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people. 4 And now, God, do it again - bring rains to our drought-stricken lives 5 So those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, 6 So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing. Psalms 126: 1-6 (The Message)


Have you ever had God do something so beyond your natural logic that it seemed like a dream? He moved you from a place of confinement or captivity into a place of a laughter, singing, and celebration.


But what do you do when you find yourself in another dry, forlorn place? Do you settle in at that place believing all hope has been lost? In those drought stricken, see nothing of God days, there has been times that I walked around in the normal day to day activities of life in despair. I went about the business of living with a heavy heart beneath the shrouds of consistency. Yep I showed up for work, attended church services, and maintained family responsibilities. Everything the same on the outside but inside bearing weighted sorrow.


What is it that brings one out of the dark abyss of hopelessness? Could it be the act of remembering? As I reflect on this scripture this morning, the value in remembering stands out to me. The psalmist takes a moment to reflect back on a former time when God had shown up and turned their situation around. Now having a fresh mental image of God’s goodness and faithfulness in times past, he has the courage to believe and ask God to do a repeat performance.  In essence he requests an encore from God.


Are you prepared for encore performance? Do you believe He is able to do it again? No, the situation you are faced with now does not have to look the same as the previous one. The fact remains that He did show up and bring an end to some things. He brought changes and even when the situation didn’t change, He changed you.



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Dec 3, 2010

Because of Who You Are

Oh precious Father, how I love so. Thank you Lord that you don’t deal with me as my sins deserve. Forgive me for all the times I have failed you, doubted you, or grumbled against the course of my life. For you have been far better to me than I ever could deserve. For you are mighty and sit upon the throne of glory forever. Who am I that you are mindful of me?


So many things to be thankful for but today I pause to say thank you for sending your son-Jesus-my risen Savior. And because the Savior rose,

  • I and any other, who trust in his name can rise above those things that attempts to hold us captive.
  • Because He got up we can rise up from the need to please self and others.
  • We can rise above our desires and instead seek your perfect will for our lives. Because He rose, we can rise past old hurts and troubled past. We can walk in the wholeness He provided for us when He received those 39 strikes and the blood came running down.

Because His blood came down, we can walk freely. Thank you for the blood that covers minds today. Lord, silence every voice that speaks contrary to your word. Give us ears to hear you Father and may we not follow after strange shepherds. Give us the discerning mind you promised us in your word. Illuminate our paths today precious Father. For we do not know the right path or the correct course of action but you Lord, the creator of the heavens and earth, knows all things so we turn to you and are attentive to your word.


I pray for the body of Christ all over the world. Strengthen those who are suffering persecution for your name sake. May the good news of the gospel be boldly proclaimed across every nation and continent. May the kingdoms of this earth become the kingdom of our great Jehovah God. Let hope spring forth now. Let joy bubble up within us now as we reflect upon your great name-Jesus.


I thank you for those you are drawing by your Spirit. Thank you for breaking them free. Free from sin, free from addictions, free from shame, free from bondages. Thank you that it is for freedom that you have set them free. Free to walk according to your call. Free to be who you destined them to be before the earth was formed. Thank you for purpose and choosing me to be one of your dearly loved children. You are everything I need Lord. Love you. In Jesus name, Amen.  





Have a sweet offering of prayer, praise, or petition today? If so share in the comments or join me in linking up with Tea with Tiffany for Sweet Ps. SweetPs375x375 by Tea with Tiffany

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Dec 1, 2010

Eyes on Him


WFW 12-1-10 v2

        My eyes strain to see your rescue,

              to see the truth of your promise fulfilled.

                                                          Psalms 119:123 (NLT)


Despite what things may look like all around you, be determined to keep your eyes upon the Savior. Let looking unto Him be your aim. For those that hope in Him will not be disappointed.




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