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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: July 2010

Jul 30, 2010

Yes, You Matter to Me

My sweet blogger friend One Heart, has been hosting a meme this week and I finally took the time to write up my post. She asked us to tell about how blogging has enhanced our lives in some way. Many assume that what they do here in blog-land has little significance (me included). I can’t even recall what triggered my desire and facilitated my courage to actually start a blog but when I did, I only thought it would be for my own eyes. I couldn’t fathom that anyone would actually be interested in reading my thoughts as I struggle along in my journey with Jesus. 

Yet, in this journey,  I’ve met so many other members of the body of Christ that have encouraged me, strengthened me, reproved me, and brought me laughter as I’ve read their blog posts. Their words were often confirmation to me and at other times comforting to know that I’m not alone. At other times, I found their posts answered unvoiced questions of mine.  For fear of missing someone, I will not begin calling names but every time I’ve visited your little corner of the blogosphere, you’ve enhanced my life. Having you stop by mine refreshes me as well because I realize that there’s many other things you could do with your time.

So I take great delight in honoring you for all that you do. God has given each us the ability to do certain things well. And whether your blog is laced with humor, truth, daily living, encouragement, tips or a mixture of many things, do it with all He’s given you.

Have a great weekend. One Heart, I squeezed this in before the clock turned midnight for me :)


Jul 29, 2010

Overwhelming Victory

Just wanted to share a scripture God brought to mind today before I head out to work.

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:35,37 (NLT)

I’m sure it’s probably a familiar scripture but while I walked this morning and pondered on some things in my life, He reminded me that no matter where I am, He is there also. Don’t let the events of our lives skew your view of Christ’s love for you.

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Jul 28, 2010

The Power of a Song & Praise


2 Chronicles 20:22 At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves.

As I read through by daily Bible reading, this particular passage of scripture stood out to me. King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were facing war with a mighty enemy. The Word of the Lord to them was that they would not have to fight but take their positions; stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. Although fighting was not required of them, they did have to show up to the battle. I was impressed by the way they went out to the battle. Not with complaining or fear but with singing and praise. At the very moment they decided to sing and praise, the Lord moved.

Reading this made me begin to ponder about my own attitude when facing battle in my life. I don’t always have a prophet speaking words of victory to me like Judah did but I do have God’s Word that proclaims He gives me overwhelming victory. Yet even knowing and reading His Words, there are times I cringe, hide and complain rather than taking my position courageously with a song on my lips and praise in my heart. How many times have I limited his ability to move because I was in the wrong place and posture of heart?

Find others serving up the Word this Wednesday at the Internet Devotion Cafe.

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Jul 27, 2010

Teaser Tuesday {Six-Liter Club}

six-liter club
The scene was all too typical-a madhouse of activity with crying children, sleeping drunks, and a crowd of brothers standing at the foot of a stretcher holding a white-haired matriarch struggling to get her breath. The sweet-sour smell of bloody vomit and clinical antiseptic mingled as a familiar odor and prompted me to quicken my pace. pg. 55 Six-Liter Club by Harry Kraus 

Teaser Tuesday is a book meme hosted by Should Be Reading.

My Review

Harry Kraus’ Six-Liter Club is the latest book I’ve read this year.  I was lucky enough to win this book via Kat’s blog Heart to Heart. It is one of the best books I’ve read this year. Kraus weaves a tale of suspense, romance, self rediscovery, ambition, and faith in this medical thriller. Camille, an orphan, has worked hard to excel in academics and has become the first African American woman trauma surgeon at the Medical College of Virginia. Everything seems to be falling into place-a new position, a promising new love interest and a new member of the distinguished six-liter club.  Amid the male dominated surgical culture, Camille feels the pressure to conform to the good old boys way of doing things, while being compelled to set her on own mark. At the height of her success, memories from her childhood in the Conga begin to haunt her threatening to ruin everything she’s worked so hard to achieve.

Anxiously anticipating what would happen next, I found myself staying up late into the night reading . As I came to the end of the book, I lingered on the pages sadden that the novel was coming to a close. This was my first time reading any of the author’s work and I was well pleased. I highly recommend this book-it will not disappoint.

What’s the latest page-turner you’ve read?

Be sure to sign up for my giveaway here before you go. 

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Jul 26, 2010

A Sweet Offer {CSN Store Giveaway} Closed

 As promised I’ve cooked up a sweet opportunity for each of you in celebration of The Watered Soul reaching the big 1 0 0 –100 posts and +100 followers this month.
CSN Stores is offering one lucky winner a $40 gift certificate.
With over 200 stores CSN Stores has something for you whether you’re looking for dining room furniture, area rugs, housewares, office supplies, toys or something for your fur baby.
Here’s how you can win:
MANDATORY: Visit CSN stores and tell me what item you would like to use your gift certificate towards.
Extra entries:
1. Follow my blog. (Already a follower counts too)
2. Subscribe to my feed via email and verify it.
3. Follow the blog via Facebook Networked Blogs.
4. Blog about this giveaway with a link to (+2 entries)
Giveaway ends  August 7th. Each entry should have a separate comment and please leave your email address, if yours is not included on your profile. Limited to US and Canada residents only. Shipping charges or international fees may exist for Canadian residents.  Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation in exchange for this post. Thanks to Jessica and CSN stores for sponsoring the giveaway.


Jul 24, 2010

A Lil Something Sweet

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA           Pulled this baby out of the oven a little bit ago. Nothing quite like a fresh peach cobbler. Mmm mmm can you smell it? Oh taste and see if its good. Now since you all can’t pull up a chair and dig in, I’m whipping up a lil something sweet for you next week.
Just six short months ago, I decided to naively jump out into the deep ocean of blog land and I never could of imagined that each of you would have joined me in this journey. This month I’ve reached two milestones here at the The Watered Soul: 1.) posted my 100th post and 2.)had my 100th fellow water seeker join the site. Hooray! I’m so grateful for every line of encouragement you gave, every trip to the blog you made and even just seeing your faces among the followers. It just brightens my day and you’re in my prayers. You make things around here a little bit sweeter. So be sure to stop by next week for a lil celebration. Hope you’re enjoying a restful weekend.


Jul 22, 2010

This Sings My Soul

My heart sings this song today. Wherever you are He is there. Take a moment to get in His presence. It can make all the difference in your day. May His peace and presence abide with you today.



Jul 21, 2010

A Little Out = A Little Back


Then He said to them, Pay attention to what you hear. By the measure you use,  it will be measured and added to you. Mark 4:24 (HCSB)

And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you--and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. Marked 4:24 (Amplified)

Internet Cafe Devotions

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Jul 20, 2010

Lost & Found

lostbread Do you ever loose your keys? It seems I’m always in search of mine. My family tells me I should tie them around my neck. Even my purse seems to enjoy playing tricks on me by swallowing up my keys. And my niece and nephews still poke fun about the time we were in Memphis and I was going berserk about my keys when I was actually holding them in my hand.  Yep, my hand-imagine that. Searching for something you know you’ve lost is very different from discovering a thing you weren’t even aware you’d managed to loose in the first place.

Recently I read 2 Kings 22-23. While cleaning up the temple a priceless treasure was discovered-God’s Word. It seemed a little odd to me that finding the Word of God in His Temple would be something unexpected. Upon reading the Words, King Josiah learned that his nation had been living against the Lord’s command. The King’s actions gave me some key principles when finding something I might have lost that’s valuable.

  1. Don’t just stick a label on it and place it on the shelf again:  After finding this treasure, the king didn’t simply store it in an unforgettable place.
  2. Use what you found: His discovery moved him to action-first he read it. Had it read to the people.
  3. Clear out the clutter: He removed distractions by tearing down the idols in the land so that he and the people would be more inclined to focus on this rediscovered treasure.
  4. Seek God’s direction: He sought Godly godly counsel.

Have you ever lost something and forgot you ever had it? I have and I’m not just referring to tangible stuff. In some ways, I lost who I was. Things I once adored no longer even crept into my mind. I forgot that I ever had a passion for it. However, a couple weeks ago, after hosting a youth recognition day, my sister made a statement-“you’re coming back to your old self”. It was just a statement made in passing but some how it stuck with me.  The event struck up some old creativity and passion that I had long forgotten existed and cease to use. But, as I was focusing on the scripture passages, I gleaned some application for right were I am. Isn’t that what the Bible is for anyway?

Now that the spark was reignited, it’s my job to keep the flames a burning. Not tuck it in a cute little box as a memorial but to put it to use as much as possible.

Have you tucked away some gifting, talent, revelation, dream or inspiration? Perhaps it’s time you dust away the cobwebs and let the wind of the spirit blow on it again.

Lord, forgive me for neglecting to tend to and realize the value of the treasure you’ve given to me. Now that I’ve rediscovered it, Lord, show me what your plan is for it. And teach me how to use it so that it might bring you glory. In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo Credit: here

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Jul 16, 2010

Sweep a Little Love to a Sista

Don’t miss this opportunity to sweep a little love and encouragement to a sister you know. Mari at Out of  Deep Water (You know I love that name, don’t you? Especially since this whole year water has been a recurring theme for me in my walk with God. Sorry, I digress) is hosting an I SEE YOU SIS GIVEAWAY. This ministry of encouragement is the brainchild of LaKeshia, who hopes to inspire women to live on purpose and encourage one individual.  For more information about this ministry of encouragement and a chance to win five I See You Sis cards stop by Mari’s blog but do it fast. The giveaway ends July 18th. 


P.S. To all the sisters that visit this blog, God Sees You Sis! You’ve not gone unnoticed by Him and neither has your labor. And, I see you too. You’ve all been an inspiration to me in ways I unable to fully express. -xoxox

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Jul 14, 2010

Swept Away


I have swept away your sins like a cloud.
      I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist.
   Oh, return to me,
      for I have paid the price to set you free. Isaiah 44:22

Fill your cup with the Word this Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.

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Jul 12, 2010

No Death Today: Resuscitate Instead

Have you ever felt like what you were doing wasn’t working? Ever contemplated throwing in the towel or withdrawing your name from the race? If not, I sure have. Life is full of ups and downs. For me, last week just happened to be one of those down times. Although there was nothing that occurred out of the ordinary, it was the ordinary itself that seemed to sap my strength.
During a time of fellowship with the Father this weekend, I was instructed to strengthen what remains. Blinded by the mundane, I couldn’t see any remaining parts. As I pondered, I was reminded that God always leaves His people with a remnant. Though it may be small, the leftover was enough to get things done with God. Consider Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall for an example. His enemies thought it foolish to use the rubble to erect the wall and even if he managed to get it standing again, it certainly couldn’t withstand any opposing force.
Like Nehemiah, I was challenged to strengthen the remaining rubble of my faith, hope, love, prayer, and worship. As small as it might be, it was time to fortify it. But, how you ask? Two simple ways:
  1. Put God’s Word on it. An increase in my Bible consumption and application enlarges my spiritual fortitude. 
  2. Exercise it more. Anything you don’t use atrophies.
We’ve been given some weapons by our Commander-in-Chief but even they, like a knife that becomes dull after extended use, require strengthening at times. Our use of the Word of God has to be sharpened to allow for more precision in our lives. Let’s not forget about our armor. Like clothing stretched out of shape over time, our armor can have too much slack in it making us more vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks.  Tighten up your belt of truth!  Readjust your helmet of salvation! Pull up the laces on your shoes of the gospel of peace. Move your breastplate back into position! Lift up your shield of faith and sharpen sword! Don’t get slack in clothing yourself daily with EVERY piece of the armor of God.
Having donned the proper attire with weapons in hand, we can begin picking up the rubble-clip_image001broken fragments. Breakdowns happen in life either through wearing out over a period of time or by sudden brute force. Has there been a chronic problem or situation that has caused a rift in your faith, hope, love, prayer, or worship? Or, maybe it was something unexpected-sickness, job loss, infidelity or betrayal-that is threatening to murder your trust.  Regardless of the reason for your brokenness or weariness, it’s vital that you strengthen what remains. God hasn’t asked us to do anything with what was lost but only the remaining part. Perhaps your faith love, prayer, and worship are all intact. But are there some spirit led activities or ministries that you started out strong, full of passion but the lack of participation or expected results has caused your commitment to wane? If God hasn’t called you to stop a thing, your assignment now is to fortify it.

Revelation 3:2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

Are there some areas in your life that you need to strengthen? If so, refuse to let it die!

Father God, I thank you for your loving kindness. Only because of your great mercy we’re not consumed. Thank you for giving me an ear to hear you and now that you’ve given instructions help me to obey. Forgive me for becoming so distracted by what was not that I neglected what remains. Today, I refocus my eyes upon you. For you are my help, my salvation, my redeemer, the lifter of my head, and my exceedingly great reward! In Jesus name, Amen.

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Jul 11, 2010

No longer the same


I woke up in the same house but in a new place. Everything is new now. Nobody but you Lord can make the old be new again. I thank you for the realigning. Thank you for new perspective. For new mobility and for a fresh wind of your spirit. God, there is none like you. To you be all glory, dominion, and power forever!


Photo Credit: by Gabork via Flickr


Jul 8, 2010


The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity], Luke 4:18 (Amplified)

God's Spirit is on me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor,
Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, "This is God's year to act!"  Luke 4:18 (The Message)

My prayer for you is that you’ll see what you haven’t been able to see. I’m praying that where you’ve been lame (emotionally & spiritually) there will be mobility. Lame-Places you couldn’t perceive walking out of, walking through, walking in or getting over. That you’ll walk in freedom in those places that you’ve been constricted. That TODAY you’ll experience a new level of deliverance. In Jesus name

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Jul 7, 2010

Some things are made to last

three remain
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians 13:13 NLT
But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. I Corinthians 13:13(The Message)
Lord, help me to build my life on these eternal things. In Jesus name. Amen cafewfwbuttoncopy

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Jul 6, 2010

Flow to You

Since seeing this video, this song has become one of my favorites. I'm joining One Heart in Way of Worship.


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Becoming A Woman Who Loves

L. O. V. E. – four simple letters yet what does it really mean? In a time when love is used casually to describe our fondness for the latest fad, hairstyle, book, car, food, phone or cd, does the word love carry much weight today?

If you’ve been around church for any length of time, you’ve heard the love chapter-1 Corinthians 13. Verses 4-7 describe love as patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices when truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  In the past, I tended to cringe a bit every time I heard those verses because “my love” seems to fall utterly short.


In Cynthia Heald’s Becoming a Woman Who Loves, she dissects this mysterious organism called love and leads us into discovering that it’s possible to reproduce this God quality specimen.  The book is an 11-week study that can be tackled alone or as part of a group. It is divided into eleven chapters titled-Supremacy of Love, A New Commandment, The Source of Love, Bearing Fruit, The Character of Love, Loving the Saints, Love in Action, Love Forgives, Love Reconciles, Loving Words, and Love Never Fails.

Each chapter starts with a brief introduction, a scripture, and quotation from a Christian writer. I like that Ms Heald does not attempt tell the reader what this “love” is but guides readers into discovering it for themselves through Scripture. Only after the reader’s self-discovery does the author share her personal reflections. Chapters conclude by urging the reader to seek God for specific life application. The small size of the book makes it easy to pack in your purse or bag and it contains ample space for writing responses to questions.

After completing this study, I walked away with a fresh perspective on love and how it weaves its way into every area of our lives impacting our walk with Christ, relationships, and ministry endeavors. No longer did this Christ-like love seem like an elusive, dangling carrot but as natural by-product birth from intimacy with the Lord.  According to the author’s bio, Cynthia Heald, has written numerous Bible studies, although this was my first time reading any of her work. I would definitely recommend this study for anyone looking to learn more about Christ-like love.

Order your copy from NavPress .

Also available at Amazon.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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Jul 3, 2010


4thofJuly Wishing each of you a safe 4th of July weekend.

Now for a lil Linky Love
  • Still looking for some creative ideas for your celebration?
  • If unforgiveness has you chained, why not set yourself free? Ann Voskamp’s article entitled The Work of All Children: How to Forgive Our Parents, offers some practical advice.
  • I’m certainly glad to live in a free country and grateful to those who work to protect our freedom but let’s ensure we’re placing our trust in the proper place. See Linda’s Where Do You Place Your Trust?
BTW, Thanks and welcome to all my new blog followers! I’ll be stopping by your blog homes soon.  I’m so grateful for all of you that continue to peep in from time to time. May God continue to bless and keep you.

I leave you with a few quotes on freedom.
It is by the goodness of God that, in this country, we have three benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either.- Mark Twain

Real freedom is creative, proactive, and will take me into new territories. I am not free if my freedom is predicated on reacting to my past.- Kenny Loggins

Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. - Sigmund Freud

Freedom is a muscle... you have to exercise it.- Roy Scheider

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Jul 2, 2010

Nobody Likes Me

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me. Think I’ll go eat worms!
Those are the lines of a children’s nursery rhyme or song my younger sister would sing when she wasn’t getting her way or she felt like she was being left out. The other day I was reading a passage in Psalm where David was expressing  similar sentiments.

I look for someone to come and help me but no one gives me a  passing thought!
No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.
Then I pray to you, O Lord. I say,  You are my place of refuge.
You are all I really want in life.
Psalm 142:4-5
There has been times I’ve felt alone and it’s comforting to know that even King David, a man after God’s own heart found himself in the same position. Live long enough and you’re bound to find yourself disappointed by another human.  (Not to mention how we disappoint others) Somebody, some where didn’t show up at some time or in some way you expected but there is One who is always available.
You’re never alone or without help!

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