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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: June 2010

Jun 30, 2010

Whatcha Got Cookin?


stirred up

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, Hebrews 10:24

We all are presented with opportunities daily to stir up strife, murmuring, complaining, or gossip. And even if we’re not the instigator ourselves, the temptation to mix in with others stirring up these troubles can be easy to slip into. However, Hebrews calls us to a greater task of stirring up love and good works in one another.

What have you been stirring up lately?

Stop by the Internet Cafe for more Word Filled Wednesday.

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Jun 29, 2010

Sins of the Mother

I’m participating in TEASER TUESDAYS, a book meme hosted by Should be Reading.

“Still as she carried the bouquet to her car, her plan was…to stay with the plan. But then she got behind the steering wheel, and her BMW headed west instead of east; before she could figure it out, she was in front of the condominium where she’d spent four years of immense ecstasy and one year of total agony.”
                                                  Sins of the Mother by Victoria Christopher Murray
sins of the mother
Want to join the fun? ’s how:
~Grab your current read
~Open to a random page
~Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
~BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
~Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
P.S. Well I didn’t quite play by the rules. I haven’t actually started reading this book but it’s next on my list. I’ve been waiting a while to read this one. 

What’s  next up on your to be read list?

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Jun 28, 2010

Recyclable You

Although, I don't watch it as often as I once did, HGTV is a favorite of mine. It's a great place to get ideas to spice up your living environment. Of particular interest to me are the shows that seek out flea market finds and then turn those items into something impressive. After they've finished dressing them up a bit, they no longer look like rejects  suited for the garbage dumpster. Instead they look like new, store bought items deemed for a place of honor.

Most times they have to do some cosmetic work on the items. Stripping them of paint, sanding, cutting, painting and polishing are all required before the transformation is complete. Not unlike ourselves, who require some remodeling before we're ready to enter the spotlight of our God given roles. He has to strip away the painting from our old selves. You'll find that it's necessary for Him to do a pit of sanding as well. Sanding causes irritation. Do you find yourself being a bit irritable? Could it be that God is sanding to expose some areas that need to be addressed in your life?

For most of the furniture, sanding is required in order to allow the new paint to stick. The new ideas, mindset, and instructions He wants to give us will be unable to adhere without Him getting in there and scuffing up the old. I believe God wants to paint new anointings, new assignments, new connections, new creativity, and new ingenuity into our lives but we must endure the complete makeover. No skipping steps allowed. If we walk out only after the stripping or sanding has been done, we leave ourselves vulnerable to our enemy. Trying to skip past to the painting and polishing may make us appear ready but in the end the old stuff-our way of thinking and behaving-show through.

Lord, I don't always find the stripping, sanding, painting and polishing to be comfortable. But help to remain humble and submitted to you as you complete your perfect work.

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Jun 25, 2010

Linky Love

linklove Sharing some link love today. Although I haven’t been able to spend much time in blog land for the past couple of weeks, I would like to share a few interesting links that I’ve come across lately.
  • Noah’s Ipad by Sword of Goliath served up a great kick in the pants to me.
  • Several of you commented on my post  Like Three Peas in a Pod that you wish you could have attended the webinar. Well now you can! Beth Jones has made recordings of the 3 P’s in a Pod: Prayer, Purpose, and Passion webinar available .
  • Leigh over at Speaking Through Me Ministries shared a post titled, Liberia, West Africa –Wanna Go? by one of her friends that was a great reminder that God sends others “along with” us in our journey.
  • One Heart shared an inspiring message, Be Free, about breaking free of our traditional box and finding God in fresh new ways.
  • Laughing at the Future shared a bit of a stinger with I am Property.
  • Don’t want to pay for calls to information? Personal Finance Journey shares some alternatives to dialing 411 here.
  • Andrea at Ponderings by Andrea shared a book review of Scars and Stilettos that tells an amazing story of how God transformed Harmony Dust from being an exotic dancer to leading Treasures, an organization helping women in the sex trade.
  • Lori at All You Have to Give creatively reminds us of everyday essentials in What’s in Your Beach Bag?
Thanks so much to each of you, who continue to stop by. Hope you’ll find some time to visit some of these other bloggers. Wishing you & yours a day filled with God’s presence.

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Jun 23, 2010

Can’t Afford to Trash it

So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. Hebrews 10:35 NIV

Paper, plastic, computers, old furniture, cell phones, food scraps, and even unused medicines are just of few of the many things that find its way to dumpsters daily. According to the EPA, Americans discarded 250 MILLION tons of trash in 2008. Each of us contributing about 4.5 pounds of trash daily.
Whew, I knew paper had a way of accumulating around my home and office but those statistics are surprising.  From the looks of the piles of paper around here, it’s time for me to buckle down and do a thorough purging. Some things I hang onto way too long. Beyond the paper, there are times I have to consciously throw out stinky thinking, complaining, and clear out useless activities from my daily routine.
At times the stresses of life and work pile up so high threatening to smother out my hope and expectation. However, Hebrews reminds me to keep a firm grasp of my confidence in God.

Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. Hebrews 10:35 (AMP)

Visit Internet Cafe for more Word Filled Wednesday devotions.

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Jun 22, 2010

Access Granted...

Those two words were the first thoughts embedded in my mind when I awoke Sunday morning. Access granted…the phrase was not just a passing thought but words that seem only to become more vivid in my spirit throughout the day. Because I learning to capture my thoughts (not just the negative ones but even those that God speaks), I jotted it down in my journal and went about getting ready for Sunday morning service. While driving to church, I heard within me that I really didn't understand fully what the significance of those two words meant. So of course I questioned, Lord what do you mean? When access is granted, it means that places you couldn't previously gain entrance into are now open. He reminded me that some areas or arenas have been straightly shut up and they remain closed despite the amount of physical effort exerted. And even regardless of the amount of time spent in spiritual exercise. I know that statement might be a little controversial but that's what my Father revealed to me. Am I saying that things like prayer, fasting, or reading the Word don't work? Absolutely not! Those exercises discipline us and get us in proper position for when the door is opened. But until God chooses to open the door, it remains shut.

Even as I was sitting in the sanctuary, He began to continue the discourse by adding an object lesson. My attention was drawn to a door that was partially opened. From my seat I could see a small part of the room contents but the largest portion was not viewable. The door was not only unlocked but it was opened partially but in order to partake of the rooms contents I would have to choose to walk through the door. Had the door been locked I couldn't have accessed it contents because I do not possess the key to unlock.
Access granted provides the ability to get some things done where previously you hadn't been able to do so. The American Heritage dictionary defines access is the a means of approaching, entering, exiting or making use of or the right to to approach, enter, exit, or make use of. Grant means to consent to the fulfillment of or to accord as a favor, prerogative, or privilege. In essence those two words were announcing to me that I've been given consent or privilege to enter, exit or make use of some things or places that I hadn't been allowed to previously.

Those two words were inescapable all day. Even as I took Bella outside to potty, the clouds began to illustrate the point even further. A darker gray cloud was positioned in front of brighter white but in a certain place there was a window of space in the gray cloud allowing one to see the brighter cloud behind it. However, as the gray cloud moved along the window of opportunity to see the brighter cloud became smaller and smaller to all access was gone. The bright white cloud still existed but I could no longer see it because the Creator had closed up access to it.

Perhaps He was reminding me that access granted doesn't last forever. While I don't fully understand what it is that is being opened up for me to enter, exit or make use of, my prayer is that I don't miss it. May He grant me a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and revelation. When the door is made plain to me, Lord please give me the courage to enter in. In Jesus name~ Amen

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Jun 20, 2010

To The Fathers...

Happy Father's Day!
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house; and his righteousness shall endureth forever  Psalm 112:1-3 


Jun 17, 2010

God of the Detours

Being a bit directionally challenged (as I like to call it), I like to take a familiar route. And on the occasions that I'm venturing off into a new city, I refuse to leave home without driving directions from Yahoo maps. Unfortunately, I don't have GPS yet so written instructions to and from is a must! Even with directions there has been times when I missed a turned, sending me into a state of utter panic. Had one such episode this past weekend. Although I've learned to be a bit more relaxed when I've suddenly found myself off the intended route, it still causes me to grip the steering wheel tightly with apprehension. All the while looking for something that looks just a wee bit familiar. Last week one of my dear cousins shared an experience she had while driving in a note entitled, God of the Detours, that spoke to the part of me that longs to cling to the familiar way. With her permission, I'm sharing it with you today.
I think I had an" AH HA" Prophetic Moment while driving en route to the radio station. Every Wednesday I go to the radio station to record a broadcast and I always go one particular way. It's a longer route, however I don't mind the extra minutes driving because it gives me a chance to relax, reflect and regain me in those moments of solitude.

This morning with music blaring and me singing to the top of my lungs, "There's Nobody Like You Lord". I 'm driving my way when suddenly I found myself in the midst of orange cones, workmen, machinery, detour signs and construction. My way was blocked, it was being reconstructed! Needless to say I was very displeased but in the midst of my ughs and omg's, I had to make a decision to either stay barricaded in a lock down position, that would keep me at a standstill and miss the recording or I could venture on the detour roads and see where they led.

Anyone that knows me knows that when it comes to driving I'm a one way kinda girl, so with apprehension in my throat I followed the one detour sign and immediately felt out of place on this unfamiliar road in this unfamiliar neighborhood and it was in that moment that I heard the Spirit of God say:


Can I tell you that not only did I arrive at the radio station, my destination, but I arrived: SAFELY, ON TIME, and BLESSED.
Whatever DETOUR you're on right now, don't despise it, IT just may be your ROAD OF BLESSING!
Author: Christie Williams

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Jun 16, 2010

Don't Want to Dance to My Own Tune

God often uses the least likely person to accomplish his purposes. In Acts 9:15, God sends Ananias to commission Saul, a killer of believers, to carry the Good News of the Gospel. Like a guitar being played by one who is unskilled, Saul was making a lot of noise being used by the Devil. However, a divine encounter with the Master had him playing a different tune and fulfilling a far greater purpose.

Left to our own devices, we can engage in many noise making activities but be out of tune with our life's purpose . Surrendering to God puts us in perfect harmony with His will for our lives.

Internet Cafe Devotions for more posts filled with the Word this Wednesday.

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Jun 15, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

What book are you giving the most face time? God's book, Facebook or perhaps some other book? Sometimes I found myself amazed at how much time had managed to slip away as I meandered around on Facebook tending to fish, raising crops, whizzing up meals in the café, or checking the latest friend's status. And it's no secret...I LOVE books and reading has been my favorite past time since I was little girl.

Joshua 1:8 us reminds of the importance of time in God's book.

This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.(AMP)

It can not be in my mouth or mind, if I haven't first put it before my eyes and ears. Every now and  then a little adjustment is needed. So lately I've been weaning myself away from Facebook and spending  less time with other books in order to give God's Word more face time.

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Jun 12, 2010

Things That Made Me Go...Hmmm

As usual I read some great posts as I ventured out in blog world, today I'm sharing just a few of those that made me go hmmmmmm:
  • I found Twinkle Mom via Word Filled Wednesday and her post Psalm 1:2-His Word made me reexamine how much time I actually spend reading the Word.
  • Yvonne over at Welcome to My World of Poetry is a very talented poet. Her poem, That's All I Ask of You, gives some great advice to children and parents.
  • For those feeling like they may have married the wrong mate, Adding Zest to Your Nest has a great article entitled Keeping Covenant. Here's a quote from the article:
"God can take our bad situations, our covenant with the wrong man, and be glorified and show Himself strong through it. There are consequences for disobedience, but God's grace can not only forgive, but it brings blessings out of sins and failures. God will fight for us just as He did for Israel."
  • I'm using Saucy tips, which I found at Tidy Mom for the perfect cupcakes from a mix everytime today for the cupcakes I'm baking for church.
  • And I'm thinking of trying to make the Marshmallow Pops from Hostess with the Mostess. They're too cute and I think the kids may get a kick out of them.
  • If you find yourself comparing your blog to others, Gather Inspirit offers some great words of wisdom in the post titled Blogger Envy.
  • Sword of Goliath has a thought provoking post entitled Dance For Me, Mr. President.
  • Lisa at Sharing Life with Lisa shares a timely God whisper in Daughter Bare Down. Don't worry mean this word is good for you as well.
  • Monica at Wisdom Virtue and Rubies had me questioning if I accept God's first answer or do I seek something better in her Lesson from a Crockpot Chicken.
Those are just a few of the many inspirational reads I came across this week. I encourage you to pay these blogs a visit as you have time. My goal is only to share interesting posts from others that I feel you may enjoy reading as well. Each of your blogs offer something unique and very valuable.  I encourage you to keep on keeping on because I blessed each time I visit one you. Thanks so much to each of you who continue to stop by from time to time. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.Well I've got to run the cupcakes are calling.

Wishing you a safe and fun filled weekend.

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Jun 11, 2010

Like Three P's in a Pod

No, not your vegetables but Prayer, Purpose, and Passion. I don't know about you but I definitely need more of all three of those. So when I discovered that Beth Jones was hosting the 3 P's in a Pod for Christian Women: Prayer, Purpose, and Passion webinar, I registered for the event. It's scheduled for today at 10:30AM CDT and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home or office. For more information or to register visit Empowering Christian Woman 

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Jun 10, 2010

You Choose What to Carry

Lord, help us to carry our cross daily.
Heal our hearts so that we may carry love rather than hate.
Help us to carry peace rather than strife.
May we carry hope rather than despair.
Remove bitterness so that we may carry your joy.
Help us to be carriers of the good news of the Gospel rather than gossip.
In Jesus name, Amen

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Jun 9, 2010

Extinguish My Drought, Lord

For I will give you abundant water to quench your thirst and to moisten your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit and my blessings on your children. They will thrive like watered grass, like willows on riverbanks.
Isaiah 44:3-4 is a scripture I've been meditating on and praying over my extended family for the past few days. Thirst has been a recurring theme for me this year.

At times, I've been guilty of using substitute sources in an attempt to quench my thirsty soul. For there are many to choose. But despite the initial happiness they bring, the satisfaction is only momentary. Thus I need the Lord to send His water as promised. Being who He is, God doesn't give a little but sends an abundance of water to not only me but also to moisten my fields.

On first reading, one may be tempted to overlook the phrase, moisten your parched fields since many of us don't have natural fields. However, the phrase is still very relevant to us today. It was in the fields were one worked, gathered food for their families and ministered to needy by leaving portions of the field for them to glean from. The field is place of activity and expected productivity. No farmer plows, plants, and waters without the expectation of reaping a harvest. Yet, when we are dry spiritually, the activities we're involved in become laborious and yield little lasting produce. We find ourselves going through the motions, while our jobs, family time, and ministry endeavors have become lifeless. The good news is that it doesn't have to stay that way. Simply go back to the real Source for a fresh drink.

Today, I extend my prayers to each of you. May every substitute water source be displaced in your lives. Thus making room for the authentic thirst quencher. I pray that every dry place would be filled to the overflow with His presence. May His Spirit and blessings be on you and your family. In Jesus Name. 

To find other Word filled inspiration, visit Internet Cafe Devotions

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Jun 8, 2010

Discarded Things

As I walked this morning, my mind began to reflect on my walking companion-my sweet dog Bella. Just a couple of years ago, she found herself among discarded cats and dogs at a local humane society. It’s uncertain how she found herself there. Perhaps at one time, she had loving owners, who through no fault of their own could no longer provide for her. So they thought it best to send her away. Or maybe, she was a prize possession that simply got lost and couldn’t find her way back home. For whatever reasons, she was among the lost or discarded.

Yet today, she smells all fresh from her bath last night. She’s fed and has toys, comfy bed, ribbons and even a few clothes. She has everything that she needs and my sister jokingly says Bella is living better than she ever lived in life. If that’s true or not I don’t know but as I thought about her, I thought about how we sometimes find ourselves discarded by others. Whether it is through divorces, broken friendships, or job terminations, someone somewhere decided you were no longer useful. The scenarios are different but the outcome or feelings are the same-discarded like a napkin or once beloved toy.

But just as Bella found a new place to belong, God does the same thing for us. Although others couldn’t perceive our value, He will connect us with others, who will embrace that which was discarded. And we’ll find our latter end more enjoyable than what we experienced in the past.

Lord, I thank you that even when others throw us way, you never leave us. We thank you for connections with others, who’ll embrace and cherish that in which you’ve placed in us. Forgive us for how we failed to see the value in others and we pray that you will connect them to individuals who will nurture them. In Jesus name.

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Jun 5, 2010

Making Sense of the Nonsense

Today marks a week ago since I learned about the tragic deaths of a former schoolmate and her two children in a fiery crash in Texas. When I heard the news I was shocked. Although I hadn’t seen her for some time, I remembered how she was such a beautiful girl with a sweet spirit. Seeing photos of her and family, revealed the same beauty I remembered. According to newspaper articles, she and her family were living the American dream. I couldn’t make sense of not only she but her two children being taken from the earth in such away. Why was her family left to mourn not one or two but three deaths in the same family?

Heading to church on last Sunday, my spirit was heavy. Of course, I knew that God was good but I couldn’t see His goodness being extended to her family. I thought about how her mother and sisters must have felt and prayed that He would strengthen and comfort them. As I listened to the message, I was reminded of the sovereignty of God. Because He is sovereign nothing gets pass His ever watching eye because He neither sleeps nor slumbers. With further reflection, I saw His miraculous work in how her injured husband was rescued from the crash by some courageous individuals.

The whys of the event are still unanswered but my heart is back in peace with the Master today. Realizing that His ways are not like mine. Daily I’m surrounded by His goodness. So many things I take for granted. Will you please join me in praying for her family at this difficult time?


Jun 4, 2010

Interesting Finds

As I cruised cyberspace this week, I came across some posts that made me laugh; others made me ponder, while others sparked my creativity or challenged me. This week's picks are:
Those are just a few of the many great posts I've read this week. And I'd like to thank all of you, who have taken the time to stop by my place during the week. There are a lot of places to visit in blogland and I'm honored that you choose to spend a few moments here.

Now tell me about something you read this week that caught your attention or gave you a good laugh.

P.S. I almost forgot this one, ChristianAudio is giving away a free download of Francis Chan's Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit audiobook this month. Use coupon code JUN2010.


Jun 3, 2010

No Incompletes in God

This morning (which will be yesterday by the time you read this) God began to speak to my heart that He was one that finishes. He brings things into completion. Not wanting to let that God thought slip away from me I jotted it in my journal and went about my daily tasks. However, during the worship service tonight the same phrases were brought to mind again. He reminded me that He is not like humans that will start out on journey with you but drop out mid-trip. He’s not even like me, who will start projects with good intentions only to end up deciding the cost to finish was more than I expected. He is Alpha and Omega and the God of the in between as well. Just like the street in front of my home eventual ends and one has to decide to either turn right or left, God is bringing some situations in my life to the end. The journey will not end put that portion will be wrapped up. I don’t know where you are on your road with God but I’d just like to encourage you that God does not leave things in an incomplete state. Just as some roads or trips are longer than others, certain stages of our lives last longer than others.


Jun 2, 2010

No Need to be Discouraged

Even when it appears that we are alone, God's word assures us that we have a God that not only has gone ahead of us and knows the ending. But He also comes along  and walks down the path with us. 

This post is a part of Word Filled Wednesday, which is now being hosted by Internet Cafe Devotions.

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Jun 1, 2010


Did you know that God has a sense a humor? Over the weekend, He’s managed to give me my own personal illustrated lesson. As I was doing my morning walk with my dog Friday morning, we came across two black barking dogs. Startled by their presence and their barking, I momentarily halted. Unsure if I should turn around or continue going forward, I quickly analyzed my options. There was no way I could out run them and they were already inching closer and closer to us. In spite of the fear, I quickly picked up a rock and began commanding the dogs to get back. Although they didn’t stop barking or completely retreat, they only came so close to us and caused us no physical harm. The closer I got to my house, I couldn’t help but laugh at how courageous I would look to someone passing by. My arm raised with a rock in hand ready to slay those Goliaths. Yet fear had besieged my mind. God brought the story of Shammah to mind as I neared home. In 2 Samuel 23: 11-12, the Bible tells Shammah’s story of how he courageously defended himself in the middle of a field of lentils against the Philistines while other members of the Israelite army retreated.

God used the run in with the dogs to remind me that is how the enemy does. He attempts to corner us where our options seem to be one of two choices-retreat or defeat. The odd thing is that I had seen one of these dogs at other times during the week when walking but the dog always quickly turned and ran in the opposite direction of us. But on this particular morning there were two dogs, which looked like twins that had combined their forces and were now ready to attack. Double teaming is another tactic used. He comes at us in multiply ways to weaken our defenses. However, when we make up our mind that retreating is not option, we’ll find that God has given us the strength to confront and win.

After getting the victory, imagine my surprise when the next evening I walked out in my yard to discover those same two enemies in my back yard of all places. They did bark but as I was urging them to get out of my yard, it was them that were confused this time. For some reason, they couldn’t remember how they had entered the yard and as my nephew and I were trying to lead them out, they began to try to hide. It seemed my lesson wasn’t quite over. There was still more for me to glean from this situation. Why or how the dogs managed to find themselves in my yard of behooves me. But it did show me that our enemy doesn’t give up easily. Just because we face one encounter and win doesn’t mean will not find ourselves confronting the exact same enemy. But do not allow their resurgence to cause you to draw back.

Are there places in your life that you've been retreating in fear? I learned that the absence of fear was not necessary. Only the courage to keep walking and not back down in spite of it was really what I needed. Did you confront a situation and assumed you had gotten the victory only to see it come back with a vengeance? If so be determined to stand your ground again.

Father, I pray that you reveal to us those areas in our lives that we've been refusing to confront due to fear. Give us the courage, oh Lord, to forge ahead in the strength that you have given us. We thank you that you teach our hands to war. Thank you for strategic tactics to defeat our enemies. Thank you that it is you, who give us the victory.



Teaser Tuedays

Today's teaser comes from Women Food and God by Geneen Roth
"Obession gives you something to do besides having your heart shattered by heart-shattering events. It gives you the illusion of feeling everything whithout having to be vulnerable to anything." 
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

What are you currently reading?

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