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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: October 2010

Oct 30, 2010

Got Questions for You

Well I finally made it back to my blogging home. I’ve been out of town for the past few days.  As I was pondering what to write next here, I discovered I was tagged by Chelle at Chasing the Divine.  No need to rack my wandering brain any longer when I’d been provided an easy prompt to get the juices flowing again. So here’s something light for Saturday. Rules are to answer 8 questions and then make up 8 questions of my own and tag 8 of you lucky readers.


And now, for my Q & A from Chelle.

1.  What will you be dressing up as for Halloween?

Hmmm….I guess you can say a Sunday School teacher since tomorrow is Sunday and that’s about the only dressing up I’ll be doing.
2.  What would the title of your autobiography be?

Oh my, now I thought this was going to be easy. First thing that comes to mind is Between Sisters since I spent years being the middle girl or In Pursuit of Self.
3.  If you could acquire any one skill, what would it be?

I wish I had the gift of gab. I tell my mom I don’t know how she ended up with a child like me seeing as she never meets a stranger.
4.  You have your choice of living anywhere in the country world, where would it be?
Maybe some where on a tropical island.

5.  You have 1 million dollars you must donate to charity, which charity do you choose?
Just one?  One who’s mission was serving rural underprivileged children.

6.  What achievement are you most proud of?

Oh golly am I suppose to toot my own horn? I’d say being brave enough to leave a career I wasn’t happy with and go back to school despite  hearing all the “I can’t believe you don’t like ….” from others.
7.  What makes you laugh the hardest?

The things Madea has the audacity to say on Tyler Perry movies.
8.  What is your favorite snack food?

Chocolate chip cookies


And here’s where the fun begins for you, if you choose to participate. Here  are my eight questions?

  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. What phrase do you find yourself saying like your parents, although you thought you’d never be caught repeating such words?
  3. What was your first or favorite Christmas gift that you received?
  4. Which are you more likely to do: sing karaoke, bungee jump, or speak to a large crowd?
  5. When driving do you go the speed limit, just a wee bit over the limit, or make sure you just a little bit under the speed limit?
  6. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self?
  7. Besides the Bible, what book has had a great impact on your life?
  8. What’s something you would include on your bucket list?

Ok, I’m asking the following people to join me in a game of tag by answering my eight questions. Hope you can come out to play but don’t worry we will still be bloggy buddies even if you’re not up to playing.


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…..

Nicole at Coming Alive in Christ

Monica at Wisdom, Virtue and Rubies

Kim at Stuff Could Always Be Worst

Ellie at Ella’s Edge

Sharon at Sharon Sharing God

MTJ at My Thought-filled Journey

Dawn at Guiding Light Homeschool

Pat at My Journey Home


You’re all IT! If I missed you and you want to be it, consider yourself tagged my friend. Hope each of you have good night and a refreshing Sunday.



Oct 27, 2010

Slipping Away

wfw 10-27-10

Headed out the door and down the steps, I found myself drifting downward towards an  unexpected and unwanted dirt kiss, if I wasn’t able to do something fast. Too late to completely stop the nose dive, I reached for the car in an effort to brace myself for the fall.  Luckily my whole body didn’t hit the concrete only one knee was scratched. Having gone down those steps many times, how did I manage to slip that day? In my haste, I missed the bottom step. The step hadn’t changed locations, it was I who failed to properly maneuver it.


Is that not how life can be at times? We’re residing in the same location yet something seems to have changed or slipped away. At least that is how I find my life at times. Living in the same house, working the same job, attending the same church, a member of the same family and participating in the same activities but things that I maneuvered so well in the past now feel as if I’ve misstep. Have you ever felt yourself slipping away?  There are days that my passion ebbs away. Other times I notice I’ve slipped into complacency, complaining, discontentment,  or depression. But, why? In most case it’s because I have allowed my focus to slide away from the one who is my ultimate support.  He has not moved and  it’s comforting to know that all I have to do is call out to Him. I can share my true feelings with Him; there’s no need to conceal my inner most thoughts.


Psalms 94:18-19 (NLT)  I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.


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Oct 26, 2010


Dr. Catherine Hart Weber’s latest release, Flourish_Cover.inddFlourish: Discover the Daily Joy of Abundant, Vibrant Living offers women the tools necessary to move from a life of mere existence. She ushers us away from the fast-paced, no-time-for-me kind of life and implores us to take time to really examine our livelihood. Does it reflect the abundant life Christ came to give us as believers? In Flourish, Dr. Weber uses a Biblical centered psychological approach in teaching readers how to lay hold of more joy, peace, hope and fruitful relationships.


I found that the book was a slow read for me. Not because it was uninformative or disinteresting but rather the questions for reflection and other practical advice contained in the book  made me want to take my time in digesting the material. Although the book is specifically stated to be for women, I think anyone could benefit from not just reading the book but applying it.


What I like about the book:

  • provides practical exercises to apply the truths discussed
  • combines Biblical truth with medical research without being overly technical

Quotes I liked:

Did you know that you can actually spread  and catch the emotions of the people around you, like you can catch a cold?

Couldn’t we all think of someone, who has a way of letting the air out of our good day, when they come around coughing out complaints and criticisms?

Overindulging yourself in what may seem temporarily pleasurable can lead to unhappiness.

 In current evangelical Christian life, often the opportunity to go deeper with God in the dark moments of our life is missed, mainly because people too quickly run away from dark times and try to grab hold of surface  joys and comforts.


DISCLOSURE: I was provided an advance reading copy for review purposes by Bethany House Publishers. The views and opinions expressed are my own.

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Oct 25, 2010

Mailbox Monday

After visiting I am a Reader, Not a Writer and being in complete awe of the stash of books that have piled into home, I decided to play along in Mailbox Monday. It’s a weekly book meme hosted by She Reads and Reads design for readers to share about books that entered their home recently. Books I received during the past week include:


It’s No Secret by Rachel Olsen


( from B & B Media Group for review)


A Million Ways to Die, The Only Way to Live  by Rick James

545 James bk cover

(from B&B Media Group for review)


High Heels, Honey Lips & White Powder by Rose Maria McCarthy Anding


(from the author)


Journey to the Well by Diana Wallis Taylor



(from Paperback Swap)


Any interesting books come into your home the past week?


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Oct 24, 2010

The Artist

As I walk this morning and look up at the sky, I can't help but be awestruck by the wonder of your handiwork. There are many talented artist but you far exceed them all. Never have I seen such colors like the ones in which you paint across the sky.

Each morning that I awake, there is a fresh new tapestry of color weaved into the beauty of a brand new day. Even as the night consumes the light of day, I see the evidence of your fingerprint there. I may never be able to see Michelangelo's paintings but may a never become so busy that I fail to appreciate the masterpieces I'm able to behold with my eyes every day.


Oct 23, 2010

Children Learn What They Live

In a time when children can sing the latest pop songs, it was a blessing to see this little prayer warrior calling upon the name of the Lord.

Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend!

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Oct 20, 2010

The Waiting ~ Blog Tour

The Waiting It’s my pleasure to take part in the blog tour for  Suzanne Woods Fisher’s latest release, The Waiting. Not only was this my first acquaintance with Ms Fisher’s writing but also my first time reading Amish fiction. But after reading this book, it’s unlikely to be my last.

Although the main storyline revolves around Jorie King, a young Amish maiden, waiting for her beloved Benjamin Zook to return home from the Vietnam War, the book is filled with characters that are in a wait of their own. Waiting to be free. Waiting to die. Waiting to love again. Waiting to be understood. Waiting to be accepted despite one’s skin color. As anyone who has experienced the wait between one’s dream and its manifestation knows things don’t always go as planned.  And, the Amish are no exception. Readers are taken along alongside Jorie, Caleb, Ben, Matthew, Ephraim, and Maggie as they try to make sense of their changing world through the eyes of their faith. The Waiting drew me in from the very first page and as I turned the last page, I long to stay a little longer at Beacon Hollow.

The Waiting include scenarios most individuals could easily relate to like:
  • A single father struggling to make a living and raise two children on his own, while battling grief.
  • An African American veterinarian facing prejudice and opposition in the 1960’s.
  • People of faith attempting to balance being in the world but not becoming a part of the world.
  • A young man seeking to find his own identify and place in the world outside of the confines of the expectations of others.
  • A family facing the reality of Alzheimer’s disease
From the back cover: Jorie King’s life is on hold. She has been waiting for Ben Zook to return to Lancaster County. Waiting for him to settle down and join the church. Waiting to marry him.

But when news arrives that Ben have been killed, Jorie is devastated. She finds unlikely comfort in the friendship of his brother Caleb. Friendship ripens into love, and two broken hearts plan for a life filled with the promise of a fresh beginning – until their worlds are turned upside down.

About the author:
Suzanne Woods Fisher is the CBA bestselling author of The Choice,SWF_headshot3 The Waiting, Amish Peace, and Amish Proverbs. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, WE. D. Benedict, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Benedict eventually became publisher of Christianity Today magazine. Suzanne is the host of a radio show called Amish Wisdom and her work has appeared in many magazines. She lives in California. Find out more about Suzanne at 

Join the FUN
As a part of the blog tour Suzanne is hosting a KINDLE giveaway and a Lancaster Secrets book club party. The contest and blog tour run October 8-October 27.

What are you waiting for?
Go ahead and enter the contest and pick up your copy of The Waiting at Amazon.

To enter, simply click on the icons below to fill out the entry form, then tell 5 or more friends about the contest. Oh, and enter soon! Winner will be announced on October 28th at Suzanne's Lancaster Secrets Book Club Party.

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to Amy Lathrop with LitFUSE for providing a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes. The views and opinions expressed are my own.

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Oct 19, 2010

A Never Ending Hope

I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature! This is what the Lord says; “Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord have spoken! Jeremiah 31:36-37 (NLT)

Jer 31-36,37

My  One Year Bible has me reading through the book of Jeremiah currently. I am amazed that even though God’s chosen people had forsaken Him and He was declaring judgment and punishment upon the people, the book is still filled with hope. They would have to endure the season of bondage but change would eventually come. Having been sentenced to 70 years of Babylonian captivity most would have counted these people out and cast away any hope of brighter days for them. However, all was not lost for them and neither is it for you and me. The same God, who was issuing the conviction sentence, proclaimed a future day of liberation.


Cast not away your hope for those you see still in bondage. Neither be dismayed about the areas of bondage in your own lives. Our sovereign Lord is still turning hearts, destroying yokes, and saving souls. He continues to accept the world’s rejects and castaways.


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Oct 18, 2010

Not Without a Fight!

F I G H T….that’s not a word I like very much. I tend to avoid conflict like the plague. There are lots of words one could use to describe me but fighter is not one likely to be included in the mix. But beneath the quiet voice and laid-back persona lies another often unseen force. I myself got a small glimpse of it Sunday morning when I found myself in a precarious position.


The day began like many others except that I stayed in bed later. As I was outside taking Bella for a potty break, I looked up to discover an intruder was in our yard. And, we were on the wrong side of the fence. A bulldog was in our yard growling and kicking up dirt at us. How were we to get back to the safety of the house, if the dog was inside of our fence and the two entry ways were accessible to him? For what seemed like an eternity but was actually just a few moments, I stood frozen in fear. How do I escape? How can I get help without getting bitten? No neighbors in sight and no cell phone handy. No way I can out run the dog. Do I leave my precious Bella as prey and try to escape myself?


A quick scan of my surroundings revealed only one dried up old stick. Armed with a stick and a prayer, I  made my move to cross the ditch in an effort to reach the closest entrance way. When I moved, the dog moved too and charged out of the gate towards us. Needless to say that halted my movement but I raised my voice saying NO and GET BACK and that’s just what he did. I sounded like a crazy woman. Momentarily, he was distracted by our nearby neighbor’s dog, which allowed us to make it to the safety of our steps. Only to have him remember us and come charging back towards us full force. Luckily we did make it inside without being hurt but that dog had the audacity to not just come in my yard but upon my porch. Now I’ve had similar incidents with dogs like the one I shared in Shammah but the demeanor of this dog was more vicious. And, this time around the dog invaded more of my personal territory.


Now you know after my heart stop racing and I had time to reflect upon the incident, I gleaned some lessons from it.

  • the enemy shows up when you’re not alert and least expect it
  • there are times when there is NO human assistance available
  • when God is ALL you’ve got, that’s enough to get the victory
  • there is something down on the inside of me that’s willing to fight to protect what belongs to me
  • if God could protect me from a natural attack of a dog, there has to be many other things I haven’t seen that He’s been keeping me shielded from
  • some enemies, trouble, and circumstances you will have to face

Has the continual presence of a particular situation in your life threatened to take the fight out of you? Failure to confront the enemy will only lead to a loss of more territory.


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Oct 15, 2010

Just a Matter of Moments

Photo via Flickr by ktylerconk

It’s the moments that matter most. Our lives are full of moments. Sometimes I think I lose focus that it’s really all about the moment I’m in at this time. Often, I’m not feeling present but my mind is wandering to next thing on my to-do list. Many moments have passed and the next moments aren’t promised to any of us. Therefore, all I have is this present moment and how will I choose to spend it? If I squander all the moments I’m given, at the end of life, I will realize that it was not just moments I lost but my life wasted. If the moments are really what matter, how do I make the present one count?

The time of pressure reveals what I given in exchange for the bulk of the moments of my life. Did I exchange the moment for money? Or did I exchange it for folly? Was it trivial pursuits that consumed the most of my moments? Or perhaps it was negative thoughts that I spent so many moments dwelling. Was idle words and no activity that sucked away the moments of my life?

Forgive me Lord for failing to see the value in just this moment of my life. Show me how to take one moment at a time and build a life that is pleasing to you-one that is according to your plan. I allowed the frustrations, distractions, obligations, and pressures in life to lull me into sleep-filled activities without really choosing to make the moment count. 

I leave you with a few quotes:

“You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” - Henry Drummond

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” - M. Scott Peck

“Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Oct 13, 2010

Can you give it all away?

I tend to be one that likes to hold onto things for far longer than necessary. You just never know when you might need something. Yet, it’s rather easy to discard those things I count as trivial. But what about those things in which we hold dear? 


Philippians 3:8b


As I reflected upon Philippians 3:8, I noticed that Paul didn’t mention not one tangible  possession in the preceding verses. Instead he spoke about pedigree, position, and passionate religious pursuits. All of which could have easily lead to pride; however, he willing tossed it all aside.  Trashing personal trinkets is often far easier than doing away with the accolades of others, personal achievements, and positions of prestige.


Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant - dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ. Philippians 3:8 (The Message)


Fill your cup with more of the Word this Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions. cafewfwbuttoncopy


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Oct 8, 2010

A Prayer

Oh Lord, there is none like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power. You reign supreme over all creation. The heavens and the earth declare your glory. From generation to generation, you prove your faithfulness. You are adorned in righteousness and majesty. Since the time of my birth, I've heard your name declared. You have been the keeper of my soul. It is you who holds me together in the midst of chaos. You've kept my mind. You've kept me alive, when I thought I would surely die. You've been peace for me. You have been my way when there seemed to be no way. You have been my counselor, my physician, my guide, my compass, my comforter, my protector, my provider. There's so just so much you've done I can't even recall it all. You have been everything I need and all that I never deserved. Thank you for lavishing your love on me. Thank you for not casting me away from your presence. Thank you for being longsuffering with me. Forgive me, Lord, for distrusting you and neglecting the things you've assigned my hands to do. Strengthen me again and stir my passion once more Lord.

Father, I pray for those who are downcast, despondent, and in despair. Renew their faith and give them fresh hope today. Set people free from the bondages of addictions and sin. Restore families and communities. Restore love, hope, passion, peace, and joy throughout the land. Let your truth ring out from every sanctuary, every home, every school, and every neighborhood. Save our children from going down crooked paths. Protect them from those who come to prey on them and pervert them. Let the light of your presence permeate every dark place. In Jesus name, Amen.


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Oct 7, 2010

Pebble or Rock

As I drove home yesterday evening, I found myself singing, when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock. The rock that's higher than I. Those two lines of the song had me reflecting on God as my rock. I just love the imagery that is found in the Bible.

Tiny Pebbles


Plenty of rocks can be found in my drive way and I don't give those little small stones much thought on a daily basis. The car is driven over them day after day. Bella and I walk on them. Sometimes they're picked up and tossed about by little hands that come to visit. Heavy rains push them out of their position. Those rocks are easily moved and manipulated. They offer little or no resistance to the forces that come up against it. Is that the rock I see when reading scriptures that calls God my rock and my fortress? Is that your view of the rock? Of course, we'd be inclined to give a quick "no" in response to such question. But, the more I ponder it in my mind, I have this caution urging me not rush past but dwell here at this point for a while. Could it be that the rock I'm seeing is too small? When faced with the everyday challenges life bring, my initial reaction is one that sees the problem so large that I can't even get a glimpse of the rock upon which I'm suppose to stand.

Does my response, my prayer, my thoughts, my attitude or my demeanor show that I see Him as one who offers little resistance to forces that oppose me-His child? He is not just concern with my words but what is my behavior speaking? Does it say I think trouble can drive Him away? Does my whining and fretting reveal that deep down I believe that the thing I'm up against is large enough to  move, push or manipulate Him? 

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Oct 6, 2010

As Weeks Go By

All humanity will come to worship me from week to week and from month to month. Isaiah 66:23 (NLT)

"For just as the new heavens and new earth
that I am making will stand firm before me"
—God's Decree—
"So will your children
and your reputation stand firm.
Month after month and week by week,
everyone will come to worship me," God says.
Isaiah 66:22-23 (The Message)

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Oct 5, 2010

The Familiar Stranger {Teaser Tuesday}

Since I’ve been catching up on a book I’ve longed to read for some time now, I decided to link up with Miz B at Should Be Reading for Teaser Tuesday. 
My Teaser: stranger
“What?” she whispered, leaning toward me. “That you feel more loved by a man who’s just getting to know you than by the man who lived with you for years.”
    The Familiar Stranger by Christina Berry 

You can join the fun by picking up your latest read and turning to a random page. Share two sentences from that  page. Make sure not to share any spoilers. 

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Oct 1, 2010

He’s Still Working Miracles

980736_miracle Earlier today I read a post by Beth over at I’m Headed Towards My Destiny and she certainly gave the post a fitting title-You Must Read This. She shares how during a recent casual visit with one of her cousins the Miracle Worker showed up! Reading it stirred my faith this morning. I have read about such miracles in days of old but haven’t laid my natural eyes on one of that type, yet. But I heard the news that He’s moving over in NC. Could Arkansas be next? Or maybe He’s already show up at your residence. If He hasn’t, keep looking! He promised in His Word He would show up when we call Him.

If you’re like me, you have called Him about some things but He’s yet to appear in that particular area. I know some times my courage and my faith wanes so much so that I don’t feel like praying about that again. But, like my pastor said during Sunday’s message, do IT again. PRAY again. BELIEVE again. HOPE again. TRUST again. DECLARE His Word again.

Again, I ask could Arkansas be next? Well I already know He’s moving here, too. Just last Saturday, my sister interrupted our phone conversation to answer a call from our cousin. After not hearing back from her for a while, I assumed she had gotten busy but eventually she did call back with wonderful news. She described how this male cousin of ours was expressing his experience with the spirit of the Lord and how much he hungered for more of God. During the course of their conversation, she said he just wept and shared how he longed for other members of our family to have this same experience.

While she shared this with me, I was in sheer amazement . Why? I mean I am a believer in Jesus Christ. But I still listened in shocked wonderment because I was hearing with my own ears the report of the miracle worker showing up on a side of my family that I least expected.  The two sides of my family are like vanilla and chocolate or oil and water. One has a long history of walking with God and the other an even longer history of walking in the ways of the world.  Don’t misunderstand me; both sides of the family have its share of rebels and redeemed ones but the concentration mix is different between the two.

After reading Beth’s post and reflecting on the conversation with my sister, I can’t help but give Him praise. Who else but God can bring healing? Who else but the Sovereign One can make Himself known to those we often consider as hard cases? Is there anything too hard for Him?

Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. Isaiah 40:28 (The Message)
