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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: May 2010

May 31, 2010

Favorite Finds

Last week I came across a couple of interesting or inspiring reads as I explored the blogosphere. My intention was to post this on Friday or Saturday but unfortunately, I didn't get the task completed. So here are a few of my favorite finds from last week:
  • Does Facebook consume much of your time? If so you might want to take Rae's approach over at Porch Ponderings by Rae.
  • Feeling like arts and crafts, you might like the cute printable projects at Kind Over Matter.
  • Hesitant about giving love a go again, you may enjoy Are You Missing Out on the Main Attraction in Life over at Highly Favored.
  • If you're like me your life could be seasoned with a bit more grace. Learn about how grace presents itself in everyday living in Rachel's True Grace post.
  • Sonya at Becoming a Strong Wife, Mother, and Friend provides a great article about Waiting on the Lord.

On another note, I'd like to extend my thanks for the awards I was given a few weeks ago. Sorry it has taken me so long to pass them forward.
GlowinGirl at Sugar Tails was such a sweetie and awarded me (to my surprise) The Versatile Blogger award. According to the rules of the award I'm to tell you seven things about myself and pass the award on to other bloggers that I've recently discovered and think are fantastic. Here's my seven:
  1. I'm basically dysfunctional late at night. Never been a party animal :0)
  2. I'd choose Coke over Pepsi.
  3. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes.
  4. I don't have any children just my dog, Bella.
  5. I hate listening to music while waiting on someone to answer their cell phone. It drives me crazy.
  6. I tend to only listen to music in the car
  7. I'm an introvert.

Yvonne at Welcome to My Word of Poetry recently awarded me with the From Me to You Award and I'd like to pass it onto Karen, GlowinGirl, Patricia,

Thanks to each of them and if you haven't already visited these blogs mentioned, please stop by when you get a chance.

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Memorial Day

Myspace Graphics

Grateful to all those who serve in our military and thanks be to God who provides our ultimate freedom.


May 27, 2010

The If(s)

If, is such a small word but one that often has one looking back in regret. At other times it has us glancing fearfully toward the future wondering if I should, could or would. Ellie tagged me to participate in an "If I were" themed meme.

If I were a MONTH: I'd be January because it’s when everyone is focusing on the possibilities of what could be in the new year, while saying goodbye to the year gone by.
If I were a DAY: I'd be Saturday because it’s a day to slow down from work and spend it doing the things you love.
If I were a TIME OF DAY: I'd be the time when the sun first cracks the sky to wash away the darkness of the night.
If I were a SEASON: I'd be spring because it’s when new things are budding forth.
If I were a PLANET: I'd be Earth.
If I were a DIRECTION: I'd be pointing up towards Heaven.
If I were a TREE: I'd like to be planted by the waters.
If I were an ANIMAL: I'd be a lion bold and fierce.
If I were a: MUSICAL INSTRUMENT I'd be a flute.
If I were a FRUIT: I'd be white seedless grapes because they’re my favorite.
If I were a FOOD: I'd be chocolate loved by many and useful in many applications.
If I were a COLOR: I'd be blue coloring the sky or the ocean.
If I were a BOOK: I’d be Proverbs because it holds so much wisdom for everyday life.
If I were a SONG: I'd be a slow tune.
If I were a MOVIE: I'd probably be a rather boring one.
If I were a FLOWER: I'd be a tulip swaying in the wind.
If I were a FACIAL EXPRESSION: I'd be expressing wonder because there are so many things I ponder about in this life.

Now I'm suppose to tag someone, so if you're reading this post and you've yet to participate in it consider yourself tagged, my friend.


May 26, 2010

Lessons Learned Along the Way

As a part of Exemplify Online Singles Channel, Christy has asked Sassy Single Bloggers to share what God has taught them so far this year. Whether you're single or married, you are likely to find something of interest at Exemplify Online. There are a number of things He's been revealing during the year but a few key things jump out at me. Here they are:
  • At the beginning of the year He impressed upon my heart that it would be year of unveiling for me. I've spent several years in a sort of spiritual slumber and going through the motions of life. Only to find when I awaken, I had no clear understanding of how I got there. Constantly questioning within myself-what happened?
  • He's been gradually revealing strategies the enemy has used to stifle my mobility.
  • He's teaching me that it's ok to try again. Some places are worth revisiting because the experience doesn't have to be the same. See my post Revisiting the Tomb for more.
  • That He desires to use me in service to Him
  • Teaching me to rest more in Him
  • Better days do come eventually
  • That I am enough
  • I've never been forsaken-without support, protection, or adequate help. See my posts entitled Never Forsaken and Never Forsaken Part 2 for more on this.
  • Importance of recognizing and celebrating the small victories. Most of the time our healing or overcoming doesn't come immediately but over time. See Celebration Time Come On
  • Importance of capturing the God-thoughts. So many ideas, wisdoms, lessons are forgotten and never utilized because we don't write them down.
  • Expand my horizons-try new things, talk with new people, go to new places and blogging just happens to be one the new things I've been doing this year, which has given me the opportunity to meet each of you.
  • Despite how long a particular place in your life has been dry or void, does not mean it will always be that way. There's a distinct difference between barren and bare and it takes a trained eye to know the difference. See Bare but Not Barren for more on this.
I think that's enough for now. Are there any particular lessons that you've been gleaning from the Master Teacher this year?



The Lord helps the fallen

and lifts those bent beneath their loads.
Psalm 145:14

Fill up on other verses from the Word this Wednesday by visiting today's hostess here.

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May 25, 2010

Teaser Tuesday

Being the book lover that I am and having finished reading a great book, I decided to participate in Teaser Tuesdays today.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, which I discovered over at Readin N Writin with Patricia. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


"Each piece of jewelry felt like chains of bondage, and the clothing he had slipped to her made her burn in shame. Never had she dressed so provactively, but the garments he asked her to wear for him turned her into a Jezebel."  A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M. White, pg 76
Reading a good book? ~Do share

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May 24, 2010

It's Him You Seek

Photo by Heartlight

Jesus is the Messiah you seek. Acts 5:42b
The apostles in Acts went about sharing this message back in Bible times and that same message holds true today. We often seek salvation and satisfaction in many things-jobs, relationships, promotions, achievements, and/or accolades but there is only one that truly SAVES and SATISFIES.

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May 21, 2010

Your View of Windows

I was just curious to know if any you have upgraded to Windows 7. If so what has been your experience with the new version?  I’ve had my installation disks for months now but have not taken the time to install the software on my laptop.

Happy Friday


May 19, 2010

You're Unforgettable

Visit today's host, Amydeanne at The 160 Acre Woods for other Word Filled Wednesday posts.

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May 17, 2010

Quiet Confidence

In Saturday’s post I shared how I was reflecting on Isaiah 30:15, particularly the part about in quietness and confidence is my strength. Today, I wanted to share some questions and insights I received while continuing to meditate.

What is it that one needs to have confidence in?
  • That God exists
  • That God is who He says He is
  • That He can do what He says He can
  • That not only can He do it but He’s willing ( this is important because a person may have the ability to do a thing but has no desire or willingness to do so)
  • That God is concerned about you (yep, the same God that holds the universe together is interested in you)
  • That He is able to hold things together even when it appears that things are falling apart
When do I need to exhibit quietness?
  • When tempted to continue to argue your point, choose quietness instead.
  • When you would worry and be stressed out, quiet your mind instead.
  • When you be tempted to run and hide, quiet your steps and be still instead.
  • When it would be easy to complain, quiet the dis-ease with thanksgiving and praise.

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May 15, 2010

Finding My Strength

For the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it. Isaiah 30: 15 (NLT)

This is the passage of scripture I'm meditating on today. I also like the message translation of this passage.

God, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down  in complete dependence on me—The very thing you've been unwilling to do. (The Message)

Do you find yourself tired of toiling while trying to hold things together or come up with some type of solution? Perhaps it's time to silence the ranting, turn back and confidently wait on Him.

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May 14, 2010

Steps Along the Way

As I walked this morning, the phrase-the steps of a good man are ordered came across my mind. In fact I’ve read this verse before but I hadn’t read it lately. As I began to ponder that in my mind, I thought about the many situations I didn’t foresee stepping into. Here is not the place in life I thought I’d be walking. At times it seemed like I’ve crept along in the valley of the shadow of death. The shadows and echoes of the enemy threaten to overtake me. You mean even those tiny steps in the darkness were ordered too, Lord?

But what about the steps I took along the paths that I was sure to be the right way but it only led to a dead end? And what about the steps I consciously made away from rather than toward you? Could they have been ordered too?

While I walked up this steep hill, that I usually choose to walk down because it’s easier, I was reminded of the hard places that I have journeyed through. Countless days I was unsure if I could press out another step and other days I was tempted to turn and walk the opposite way. But with the passing of time, I found those small strained steps had taken me to another place. With the change happening so gradually, I had not realized I had moved. The movement was not always physically but my perception, my hope, my faith, my attitude, my thinking moved.

Perhaps if we had to choose, most of us would prefer to walk continually along the smooth path. But despite where you find yourself (even those detours we knowingly take) there is One, who never loses sight of you. If you’re in a dark, dry or hard place just keep walking for the landscape is sure to change. No, I don’t give the false claim that it’ll happen today, tomorrow, or even this month BUT it could. Yet with assurance, I say that if you refuse to stop, you will step onto new terrain.

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May 12, 2010

Some Things Don't Change

Life is full of changes-seasons change, businesses open and close, relationships that started out full of hope end in divorce, children grow up, jobs are changed, laws change. Even with so many things seeming constant, change is all around us. Just yesterday I was feeling blue but today I'm feeling like my old self again.   As I came across Isaiah 54:10 in my reading this week, I was grateful that amongst all the changes I encounter, there are still some things that remain the same.

This post is a part of Word Filled Wednesday. It is designed to share God's Word through photos and a Bible verse. Fill up on other verses this Wednesday by visiting today's hostess, Lori at All You Have to Give.

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May 11, 2010

The Blahs

Blah, blah, blah.... I seem to have woke up with the case of the blahs this morning for no apparent reason. There's nothing out of ordinary that has occurred in my life. Perhaps it's more of the ordinary that has plunged me into this depth of the blues. I find myself asking the same question the Psalmist did, "O my soul why art thou disquieted within me?" Guess I should put the rest of the verse in practice and a change of mood will come.

Psalm 43:5 Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my [sad] countenance, and my God.(Amplified Bible) Psalm 43:5 (The Message)

Psalm 43:5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God. (The Message)

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May 9, 2010

For Mothers

In whatever way you choose to spend it, I hope that you enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day Graphic #41
Mother's Day | Forward this Picture


May 6, 2010

Imprisoned Thoughts

Stop! What are you thinking about at this exact moment? What thoughts have been swimming through your mind lately? During the course of a day, many random thoughts flow through my head. At times I’m thinking about work, family, blogging, TV shows, Bible verses, or some spark of inspiration.

Being in church I’ve heard 2 Corinthians 10:5 which states, Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, quoted on several occasions and I have read it a few times. After reading Mark Batterson’s book Primal a few months ago, that verse took on new meaning to me. He states, “This verse is not just about capturing sinful thoughts and keeping them out of our minds; it’s also about capturing creative thoughts and keeping them in our minds. It means stewarding every word, every thought, every impression, and every revelation inspired by the Spirit of God”. Now this was a fresh perspective for me. Having been someone immobilized by fears and irrational or negative thoughts, I understood the impact of failing to get a grip on your thought life.

But I never considered the responsibility I had to be a good steward of those passing inspirations or God thoughts. I can’t tell you how many times an idea came to mind but I failed to hold it captive and it was soon forgotten until something triggered the memory again. Of course, every idea that comes to mind is not necessarily a God thought but I do wonder what could I do or be, if I did more to arrest those thoughts. If I wasn’t so quick to cast them away as being meaningless or impossible, there is no telling how different my life might be.

Are your thoughts holding you captive to people, places, events or are you holding your thoughts as prisoners? There is a world of difference between the two. Have you come across any quote or book that has changed your perspective on a matter lately? If so, please share.

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I'm It but You May Be Next

Two of my blogger friends, Lisa and Ellie, tagged me to participate in the 5 for 5 meme. I'm suppose to answer 5 questions 5 times. 

Where were you five years ago?
1. Living in the same house I am now
2. Stuck in a place of spiritual darkness and frustration
3. Journaling more faithfully than I am now
4. Contemplating going to graduate school
5. Dreaming about starting a nonprofit organization

Where would you like to be 5 years from now?
1. Happily married hopefully
2. Walking more freely & closely to God
3. Working a job that I love
4. Living, loving, and laughing more than ever
5. Traveling

What is on your to do list today?
1. Answering these question and posting to my blog (guess I can check that off)
2. Read my Bible
3. Finish my case notes for work
4. Listen in on a virtual women’s summit
5. Watch Survivor tonight (yep I love that show)

What 5 snacks do you enjoy?
1. Chocolate Chip cookies
2. Peanut M&Ms
3. Yoplait yogurt
4. Harvest cheddar sun chips
5. Chex mix

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Give tithe and offerings first
2. Invest
3. Ensure my mother was financially secure
4. Create trust funds for my nieces and nephews
5. Build a youth development center in my hometown that would teach character development, life skills, financial literacy and business planning.

Finally, I'm suppose to tag 5 other people to participate. If you've already been tagged, I send my apologies. I missed your post. For anyone who would rather not participate, I promise not to be offended and will still be visiting your place. :0)

Linda, Heiress, Chris, Bluebutterfly, and Tabitha you're it!


May 5, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday

This Wednesday I decided to take part in Word Filled Wednesday created by The 160 Acre Woods. It's designed to share God's Word through photos and a Bible verse.

1 Peter 5:7
Photo courtesy of Webshots

Visit today's hostess, Penny at to find what others are sharing this Wednesday.


May 3, 2010

Reflections on the A to Z Challenge

As with any endeavor you undertake, I found a sense of personal satisfaction in not just starting but completing the A-Z challenge. Ecclesiastes 7:8a states, something completed is better than something begun (CEV). And better I am. I decided to join the challenge on a whim after reading about it on Shannon’s blog. As a newbie blogger (just started in February), I’m not exactly sure what gave me the audacity to launch out into such deep waters. But, I have found myself being open to lots of new things in this year and blogging itself is one of those.

Being a part of the challenge increased my awareness of the variety of blogs available. It was quite interesting to visit other participants’ blogs to see how they would incorporate the letter of the day in their post. Many of the challengers were either professional writers or aspiring to be; therefore, splashing around at their blogs was like being a pet goldfish dumped into the ocean. Also, I discovered poets, photographers, artists, mommy bloggers, spiritual blogs, teachers and even a Blabbin’ Grammy, who is a master storyteller. The gamut of blogs is amazing. Many I would not have found otherwise. Each time I visited one, I was exposed to new ideas, concepts, words and inspiration.

Prior to starting the challenge, I wrote down topic ideas for each letter on the calendar but I found that I didn’t always go with my initial thought. For some letters, I was able to get my posts completed early, edited and scheduled to post (which is a feature I discovered). However, the inspiration for the majority of posts came the same day, which added stress initially until I came to terms that it was ok if my posts were not perfect but authentically reflected me. I found blogging, visiting other participants, commenting and replying to comments daily to be challenging along with working full-time. And I sure have a respect for those who are able to post daily or multiple times during the day. However, that is not something I plan to continue but I do see the importance of maintaining a regular posting schedule.

I don’t believe I ever considered quitting but sometimes wondered if I could keep up. The things that kept me going were the determination not to be a quitter and the lovely comments I would receive from those that stopped by. To all of you who came by, I say THANK YOU!  And a special thanks to those that dropped in consistently and left me such encouraging words. You’ll never know how much of a boost of confidence and courage you’ve been to me. In accordance with Proverbs 11:25, I pray that just as you have refreshed me during this challenge, that you will be refreshed. Thanks to Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere who gave me my very first blog award and I will be passing it forward soon. As a newbie, I didn’t know awards existed. Also, thanks to Charmaine over at Wagging Tales who bestowed three awards to me. I’d like to take this opportunity to pass on the Sunshine Award to a few people who have been a great support to me: Lisa @ Bombastic Bandicoot, Bluebutterfly@ Sword of Goliath, Ellie @ Ella’s Edge, Andrea @Arise 2 Write, Rae@ Porch Ponderings by Rae, Bud@ B-E-ing Transformed, Linda@Whit’s End, CeCe@ Thirsty Living and my sister, LaMecia, who always gives me words of encouragement.
Overall I’m satisfied with my performance in the challenge. As with most things we do, there is room for improvement on my part. I wish that I had more time to dedicate to researching, writing, and editing my posts. While I tried to visit as many of the challenge participants as possible, I would have liked more time to read and comment on their posts. And I found that I gravitated to some blogs more because I found their subject matter more in line with my interests. Since my blog deals with spiritual matters, I’m sure some participants were less likely to visit. I did see an increase in the number of followers but I think it’ll be interesting to see how many continue to follow and/or comment from time to time. From the experience I learned that networking among bloggers is a good means for increasing exposure of your blog and for finding other blogs you like. However, I tend to shy away from the follow me and I will follow you theory. After seeing how beneficial a comment was to me, I plan to be more disciplined about leaving comments on the blogs I read. I liked Arlee’s idea of having a schedule for specific blog topics.

In closing I’d like to give our challenge host, Arlee at Tossing it Out, a big round of applause for a job well done in organizing and marketing a successful challenge that was able to unite so many bloggers across the globe. He seems to have mastered the art of blogging and blog promotion. I wish him much success in his future endeavors and look forward to reading more from him. If you have not already, be sure to visit his blog. I appreciate the opportunity to have joined the challenge with so many talented and creative bloggers.

Find out what other challenge participants had to say:
