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The Watered Soul

The Watered Soul: September 2010

Sep 29, 2010

Spreading the Sweet Stuff

Antique perfume spritzers 
But thanks be to God, who made us his captives and leads us along in Christ's triumphal procession. Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume. 2 Corinthians 2: 14 (NLT)

I love the way The Message paraphrases this passage, too.

In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse. 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

For some reason this passage of scripture took me back to my elementary school cafeteria, where the scent of barbecue wieners (and know, I don’t mean grilled ones either but ones covered in some kind of weird barbecue sauce) would set off a gag reflex in me. Now for those who enjoyed that little delicacy, it was no doubt a pleasing aroma. Each of us was served the same meal but smelled something very different. Likewise with the message of Christ—to one it smells sweet yet to another it stinks.

Visit Internet Cafe Devotions for more Word-Filled Wednesday.

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Sep 27, 2010

Just a Few Steps From Home

It’s something about those last few steps from the house that seem the most arduous when finishing up my walk. Just when I can finally see my house in sight, my strength wanes. As I rounded the corner Saturday, with my home in full view, God interrupted my walk to illustrate to me the position that I believe many find themselves in at this very moment.

Why would coming home be hard? For me, my home is a place of comfort. My little place of tranquility from the noisiness of the outside world. It contains so many of things I love. So, it seems I’d be sprinting home.

Spiritually speaking home represents our connectedness with the Father. He showed me that many people we’ve been praying for are just a few steps from home. But these last few steps before turning their lives over to God are often the most difficult. Sure they’re tired from the toiling of their current lives but they wonder can they really make it to God. The bondages of sin confines their movement and thoughts in their minds try to convince them that they’ll never make it. It’s too late. They’ve already missed their chance. Or they’ve done too much.

Home is not just a place of comfort but it’s also a place of responsibility. Owning a home requires that I pay some bills and provide maintenance to the house. In the same way, giving our lives to God positions us for responsibility. I’m not talking in the sense that we have to earn our salvation. Salvation is an unmerited gift made available to all of us because of the finished work of the cross. But many wonder when I make it to God can I really do all that He requires. Can I live up to His name? Can I be a proper reflection of Him?

As we pray for others, we are not always able to see outwards signs of their moving closer to Him. Yet I'm encouraged to continue pressing and praying. For who knows, today just may be the day they return home. 

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Sep 26, 2010

Stress Free Life :Seven Keys to Extraordinary Life

What comes to mind when you hear the word stress?  Is it juggling family and career? Or perhaps the demands of ministry endeavors are weighing you down. Whatever your personal situation, stress is something we all can personally identify with. At the time the opportunity to review Stress Free Life: Seven Keys to Extraordinary Life by Bishop Bonnie Etta presented itself, I wasn’t feeling much stress but who couldn’t use some extra tools for handling stress effectively.  

Bishop Etta divides the book into two sections. Section one outlines the seven keys to living extraordinarily and section two focuses on ways to reign in life. He identifies the seven keys as:
  •  Healed Through Love -discusses how our life flows from our love of God and some of the hindrances to walking in love like mistrust, human failings, rejection and abuse
  • The Beauty of Forgiveness – looks at how choosing to release hurts and offences brings liberation from stress
  • The Power of Truth – points out the importance of being willing to face the truth and living authentically
  • The Peace of Unity- calls readers to unity not just with others but within themselves
  • The Grace of Appreciation-reminds us of the value of gratitude
  • Intimacy Through Communication-communicates the value of relationships with others
  • The Creative Force of Faith–illustrates how faith is the necessary building block for our lives.

 It was an interesting read and there were several statements that stood out enough for me to write them down.  Here are few:

Cowards die in silence; they are influenced by people’s opinions, people’s appearances and even by the environment in which they find themselves. Cowards die with truths they never experimented; they die with life-giving keys they never used. They die with words they never released because of fear.
Needless to say I re-discovered that I’m a coward.

Stress is based upon false pictures and based upon false ideas regarding yourself and the situation you may find yourself in. Stress hates to face the truth, stress hates truth.
Many times I have been worried about something but when I actually faced the situation, it wasn't near as bad as I had conjured up in my mind.

The author not only addresses individuals but the church as well. 

The body of Christ is sick today in many countries because the various Christian bodies or denominations have lost their focus. Therefore their followers have no purpose and have nothing to do after being saved except to pay tithes and offerings.

Some of the author's theories, I did not agree with like his conclusions on the cause of poverty. On page 67 he writes, 

Poverty is born out of unbiblical way of life practices. Poverty is not a blessing from God; it does not have the nature and image of God. It is caused by foolishness, ungodliness, wicked political systems and caused by the enemy of human life; the devil.

About the Author:
Bishop Bonnie Etta is the senior pastor and founder of the World Vision International Worship Center in Beltsville MD, one of the fastest growing multinational nondenominational church. He is an international conference speaker, author, counselor, and singer and oversees  the World Vision Outreach ministries.

He holds a Masters in Ministry and he is the author of another book entitled Becoming Your Dream, which has given hope and courage to millions around the world.

Disclosure: I was provided a complimentary copy of this by Bostick Communications as a part of their blogger review program. The opinions expresses are my own.

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Sep 22, 2010

Heard the News


With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees. Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.” Isaiah 35:3-4

When is the last time you heard something positive on your local news channel? I really make it a point not to watch much of the news. It seems there are so many reports of stealing and killing and I can do without the visuals haunting me in my sleep.

As I read through my daily reading the other day, Isaiah 35:3-4 stood out to me. Here the people were instructed to take the news they had heard and use it to strengthen and encourage others.  He identifies three types of individuals who needed the news:

  • Had tired hands – are there some assignments that you’ve gotten weary carrying out?
  • Had weak knees – are there some prayer requests that you’re not sure you have the strength to bring before the Father again? Or perhaps you been in a “holding” position and it feels as if you can’t stand too much longer.
  • Had fearful hearts – has the length of time between what you thought you heard and the manifestation caused you to begin to fear or doubt?

I’m raising my hand and saying Yes, YEs, YES! But I read the NEWS and it gives a report of CHANGE, HOPE, and SALVATION.  Today, I take comfort and strength in this good news and I pray that you will too.




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Sep 21, 2010

Psalms {Life Change Series}

Could David have been the first blogger?

It's GREAT that we have David's words to read... he experienced and wrote about so many different feelings that we experience. Hey, now that I think about it, David was like the first blogger, wasn't he?!

 Michelle made this comment to a post I wrote on Psalms 142:4-5.

I never had thought about him in that way. He might not have been a blogger in today’s sense of the word but He certainly had a good rapport with God. A myriad of emotions are freely expressed throughout the book of Psalms.

Lifechange Psalms In the latest edition of the LifeChange series Bible studies, the Navigators takes readers on a journey of prayer through the book of Psalms. Not just prayers of praise and worship but it also includes prayers of intercession and supplication, renewal and restoration, vindication and forgiveness among several others. The study contains 10 lessons that are designed to be used as a group study but can be done individually as well.

Each lesson contains a lesson objective, desired action, Psalms for the lesson, and study questions. Participants are encouraged to delve deeper into the lesson’s theme through the use of additional application activities and further study assignments.

What I like about the study:

  • It’s not just a read the scripture and fill in the blank study. Questions are designed for you to study the scripture and discover for oneself how it applies to their lives.
  • Perfect size to carry along with you.
  • Provides a listing of additional study aides
  • Includes a basic group leader’s guide for each lesson

One thing to note is that the study does not proceed through the book of Psalms by chapters but based upon themes. Each lesson discusses several Psalms passages. It’s simple design and layout provides little visual appeal but offers a good starter map for anyone wanting a fresh view of Psalms.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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Sep 20, 2010

But, I want to go this way {Monday Manna}

Not an Option

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
       neither are your ways my ways,"
       declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
       so are my ways higher than your ways
       and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

When I saw that Isaiah 55:8-9 was the passage for Joanne’s Monday Manna, one of the first things to come to my mind was His thoughts and ways are definitely NOT like mine. Which of course is a good thing but that doesn’t mean I always see it that way. That probably doesn’t sound very nice for a self-professed Christ follower, but, nevertheless it’s true anyway.

As I thought on this scripture, my mind went back to all the “thoughts” and “plans” I had for my  life over a decade ago. I can look on those thoughts and plans of mine with both gladness and sadness. Some things I thought for sure were what I wanted only to get them and find that it wasn’t all I’d chalked it up to be in my own mine. Others meant so little to me then but now as the days, months, and years fly by without any sign of them on the horizon, I find myself questioning Lord how long.

Just like He guided the Israelites along the long way to Canaan for a reason, I have to trust that the steps I’m taking along my life journey are preparing me for the promised place. Even when I can’t perceive the good in it, I must trust that He indeed has a plan and it’s good and not evil.


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Sep 18, 2010

Victory Through Him

Psalm 62
For Jeduthun, the choir director: A psalm of David.
1 I wait quietly before God,
      for my victory comes from him.
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
      my fortress where I will never be shaken.

3 So many enemies against one man—
      all of them trying to kill me.
   To them I’m just a broken-down wall
      or a tottering fence.
4 They plan to topple me from my high position.
      They delight in telling lies about me.
   They praise me to my face
      but curse me in their hearts.

5 Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
      for my hope is in him.
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
      my fortress where I will not be shaken.
7 My victory and honor come from God alone.
      He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.
8 O my people, trust in him at all times.
      Pour out your heart to him,
      for God is our refuge.

9 Common people are as worthless as a puff of wind,
      and the powerful are not what they appear to be.
   If you weigh them on the scales,
      together they are lighter than a breath of air.

10 Don’t make your living by extortion
      or put your hope in stealing.
   And if your wealth increases,
      don’t make it the center of your life.

11 God has spoken plainly,
      and I have heard it many times:
   Power, O God, belongs to you;
12 unfailing love, O Lord, is yours.
   Surely you repay all people
      according to what they have done.

source: Bible Gateway

This psalm was a part of my Bible reading this morning. As I read it, I was reminded of the beautiful, praise-stirring prayer of VICTORY by MJT I read on yesterday.  Like David, I have those times when it seems there is so much against me. It looks to others and sometimes EVEN to me that this time I’m not going to make it out.  But this psalm and his prayer reminds me that victory IS my predetermined end. Not because there’s anything so great or good about me or what I can do but because who God is and what He already established for my life. I’m so grateful that God was so wise and mindful to leave written records such as this psalm that I can read and reflect upon in times of adversity. Or He causes my path to cross with another one of His children that speaks or writes a word that refuels my hope and confidence in God.

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Sep 17, 2010

You Know How to Brighten the Day

Don’t you just love when unexpected blessings come your way? I’ve been feeling like a kid at Christmas. Lately, my mailbox has been full of sweet surprises (not just those never ending bills) and they seem to show up on the very day I could use a little cheering up the most. Not long ago, I was blessed to win two beautiful photos from Valerie of Intelligent Expression and I couldn’t wait to hang them. If you haven’t see her work, you should stop by for a visit. She combines photos with a quote and scripture. Oh, and I’ve got this brand new devotional,sent to me by a special blogger friend, that I look forward to reading in my quiet time.

A little bit a go my sweet blogger friend, Yvonne of Welcome to My World of Poetry passed this award on to me. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging it and passing it on. Although she already has it, I’d definitely like to pass it back to her. She’s been a wonderful support to me. I’d also like to pass it on to: Ellie, Bluebutterfly, Bud, Karen, MTJ, Monica, JBR, Peggy, and One Heart.


Awardcircle_friends=Yvonne 8-27-10 

And my crafty blogger friend, Ellie at Ella’s Edge passed on the Happy 101 award to me recently. I’m supposed to dazzle you with 10 things I like and pass the award forward. Ha…I know that’s just the top secret information, you were waiting to hear today.

happy 101 award-Ellie 9-9-10

Ok, drum roll. Here’s my top 10 (well maybe not the top but definitely some things I like (:

  1. There’s just something I tend to like more about Fridays than Mondays.
  2. I like browsing the blogosphere to see what’s going on in your neck of the woods, although I’ve had less time to do that lately.
  3. On a hot summer’s day, I like the way a ice cold coke hits the right spot. (there’s nothing like the real thang baby)
  4. A long drive on a beautiful day but it’s even better when I’m being driven ;)
  5. I really like the smell of Pandamonium oil in my effusion lamp. (Made several trips to Ellis pottery for that special fragrance)
  6. Hearing the birds chirp in the morning and gazing at the sky
  7. Leafing through the pages of my latest bookstore find
  8. Speaking of books, I really like (Join the Club and Swap Books for Free!).
  9. I’m in strong like with windows live writer (upcoming post about this soon)
  10. And I like to know, why does Bella (my doggy) like chewing on paper and everything but the toys I’ve bought her.

Now let’s hear from: Amanda, Sarah, CeCe, Missie, Kim, Anne Katherine, Joanne, Sharon

Now you’re free to post the award & pass it on to others, if you choose and even if you don’t, just know you’re thought of today.

A picture, a book, a card, an email, a comment or even a blog award may not take much to pass along but one never knows how that simple gesture may really water the ground it’s sowed into. Thanks to each of you, who’ve taken a moment to dash a little water here through your visits.  May it be multiplied unto you many times over.


Sep 15, 2010

Web-Free Building

The wicked build houses as fragile as a spider’s web, as flimsy as a shelter made of branches. Job 27:18 (NLT)


Now who would ever think of building a house with something as flimsy as a spider’s web? I dare to say that no one would, if they were able to see that the material was just a web. But Satan is so crafty in leading us to believe that seeking fame and fortune is the way to build our lives. He spins the web of lies that say if we just had more, more, more everything would be just right.

Can what you’ve chosen to build your life upon weather the storms life brings? Anything built without a proper foundation will eventually fall.

Fill your cup with more of the Word this Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.


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Sep 14, 2010

No Girls Allowed:Devotions for Boys

clip_image001I know I broke the cardinal rule of this book by daring to peek inside the pages of this devotional designed for elementary aged boys. But, as a Sunday school teacher (not to mention an aunt, too), I’m always on the lookout for creative ways to share the gospel with my students and captivate their attention. So I jumped at the chance to review No Girls Allowed: Devotions for Boys by Jayce O’Neal.

O’Neal does a good job at incorporating familiar topics, characters or shows like Batman, basketball, Scrooge, video games and Nickelodeon into the devotions.  Using a 2-page spread, every devotion contains a short story, scripture point, prayer, puzzle, things to do, list of additional scriptures that tie into the lesson’s main theme, and quotes from contemporary leaders.

I really like that the author shows boys how to apply the truths, found in each lesson, into their daily life through the things to do section.  Although I appreciated the idea of including puzzles, I felt that more variety was needed rather than just secret codes, word search and crossword.

As someone wanting to use this to supplement Sunday school activities, I wished the book included an index showing the theme and/or scripture emphasis for each lesson. Just listing the name of the story in the table of contents provides little information about the aim of the devotion. More visually stimulating illustrations would also enhance the book. Overall, I think the book provides solid Biblical teaching and would be a good addition to preteen boys’  library.

For a preview of the book, click here.

Thanks to Tyndale House for providing a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16CFR, Part 255  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements in Advertising”.


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Sep 13, 2010

Darkness Doesn’t Last

As I walked amidst the darkness this morning, I was reminded of something the Father whispered to me a few weeks ago. Darkness loomed that image: day breakmorning, much like it did today when Bella and I headed out for our walk.  What He whispered was something so simple but gave me so much comfort. Three simple words-morning always comes.

Told you it was simple. Morning always comes. I know that life is full of cycles and morning naturally comes after the night. Yet, when going through the night seasons of my personal live, I often forget that it’s only temporary. So He used the sun breaking through the darkness of the night to remind me that change does come.

I’m opening up the pages of my journal to share what I wrote down that day. Hope that someone finds encouragement in it as I did when I wrote that day. Even now I find strength to continue walking through the shadow of death.

Morning always comes. Hold on through the night. Don’t faint through the night season because morning always comes. Just as when the season changes there are times when the day is filled with more darkness than light, so are our lives. But, morning always comes. You have to see me through the eyes of the spirit at those times. I’m always shining but darkness (which I allow) covers my presence but I’m always with you. That’s why you have to build up your spirit man so that during those seasons you’ve stored up a supply of my light (His Word) so that it can illuminate from down on the inside of you.

Illumination from your core-your God self. My people are looking for too much external light. You have to learn how to walk in and through the night. When I send the darkness, I’m giving you an opportunity to grow. The allowance of the darkness is proof of my trust in what I placed in you. But know that morning always comes, my love. I will reveal myself. I will show up. I will fulfill my promises. I’ve already sealed them with a yes.

Yes to what you long for. Yes to power. Yes to signs, miracles and wonders. Yes to no more barrenness. Yes to deliverance. Yes to wholeness. Yes to household salvation. Yes to peace. Yes to fruitful relationships. Yes to love. Yes to strength. Yes to more of my presence. My answer is yes; I will do it. You need only ask and trust me.

Praying that He’ll strengthen you as you walk through the darkness.


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Sep 11, 2010

Looking Unto Him

Dear God,

You are my redeemer, my healer, my rock, my security, my exceedingly great reward, and my strength. I thank you for all the ways you continue to reveal yourself to me. For you, oh Lord, are my portion. Where would I be without you? Thank you for drawing me back to you in times that I find myself distracted. Thank you for your healing being manifested in my body now! You are faithful! You are omnipotent! Crowned in glory and majesty. My Savior, I thank you for all times that you rescue me! Work on me until I look, think, and act more like you. Help me to be a clearer reflection of you in all my ways.

Lord, I lift up those who asked for prayer this week and others who are calling on your name. There’s no situation that they’re up against that is too hard for you. All power belongs to you. I pray that they would put on the whole armor that you’ve provided for your sons and daughters so that after they’ve done all the situation requires of them, they’d be able to stand. That they’d be able to stand up under pressure, sickness, or opposition. In the midst of turmoil give them inner tranquility. If there be anything else the situation requires them to do, let it be made known to them. For your Word declares that you’ll lead us along the right pathways for our lives.

We acknowledge that we don’t know what to do but our eyes are upon you. We call to you because we trust you will answer. Why? Because, you’ve answered us so many times before. You’ve provided for us before. You’ve delivered us from the hands of our enemies before! You’ve healed us before! You’ve calmed our fears before! You’ve raised us up from desolate places before! You have redeemed us from the brink of depression and hopelessness before! You’ve strengthen, revived and replenished us before! Yes, we shall think on these things as we wait for your salvation.

For I will sacrifice a voluntary offering you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. For you have rescued me from my troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies. (Psalms 54:6-7)

Guide us in your truth, and teach us; for you are the God that saves us, our hope is in you all day long (Psalms 25:5)

Thank you Lord that today is the day of salvation! In Jesus name, Amen.

Join Tea with Tiffany for others who are lifting up Sweet P’s this weekend.

SweetPs375x375 by Tea with Tiffany

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Sep 8, 2010

Fasten to Truth

Buckled in Truth (image)

So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your waist like a belt. Put on God's approval as your breastplate. Ephesians 6:14 (GW)

Even after writing on Centered on Truth for Monday Manna, Ephesians 6:14-18 has still been mulling around in my head. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines fasten in 4 ways:

  1. to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing
  2. to fix or set steadily
  3. to take a firm grip
  4. to attach persistently and usually objectionably

If my life as a believer is to be centered on truth, what Truth is it that I should be attached persistently, fixed steadily, and grasping with a firm grip?

* the Truth of who Christ is

* the Truth of who I am in Christ

For the most part, I don’t have great difficulty in believing who the Bible says Jesus is. It’s the truths He says about me that gives me problems. My old ways of viewing myself consistently object to these truths.  Which further points to the reason why I need to be getting dressed daily in the armor God has provided.

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Sep 6, 2010

Centered on Truth-{Monday Manna}

Joanne at An Open Book is hosting Monday Manna today. The passage of scripture to reflect upon and discuss is Ephesians 6:14-18.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints(NKJV)

These verses list parts of the armor that God has made available to every believer. Growing up in church, I had heard these scriptures quoted often but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I got a clearer picture of how one actual goes about putting on this tartan day 053aarmor. In our lives, we get dressed daily and choose our clothing based upon our intended destination. At least that’s what I do. There are some clothes I deem unfit to wear any where but around the house. Because of good old-fashioned home teaching and personal standards, you will not find me at the grocery store in my pajamas.

Unlike our natural garments, the armor of God is suitable to wear on every occasion. Not only is it suitable to wear but it’s advantageous for us to apply it every day. Why? Because our daily destinations are filled with opposing powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, and spiritual host of wickedness.

No matter how full our closets are our clothes just don’t jump on us. We have to take the time and effort to get dressed. As I was reading this passage, I noticed how each piece of the armor was preceded by a verb.  Verbs denote action. The armor is provided by God but the action to put it in use is required by us. Nope, He’s not coming down to dress me or you; the garments have already been issued. If a piece is missing or not in its proper place or good condition, it’s because we’ve neglected to see and handle it as significant piece of our lives.

Also, I took notice of the order the pieces of armor were mentioned in the passage. It starts off with the belt of truth  buckled around our waist. Belts are what I consider as accessories, which are some of the last things you add to make your outfit complete. Yet here we see the waist, which is the center of our body, being address first. Could it be because our li_MG_1134ves need to be centered on Truth? If, I don’t know the Truth-God and His Word, my life is based upon lies. Lies pervert or twist the truth. So, if truth is not firmly buckled around the center of my life, I have a twisted sense of righteousness called self-righteousness. My feet, more than likely, will be quick to pursue chaos rather than spreading peace. Rather than trusting God, I’ll only have faith in my ability to get things done. Because my mind would be filled with deceptive thoughts, the words wielding from my mouth would be anything but the Word of God. Although the belt of truth is only one part of the whole armor, it appears to me that it is necessary in order to properly apply the rest of the pieces.

You didn’t forget to put your belt of truth on today, did you?

Share your thoughts on this  scripture passage in the comments or write a post on your blog and link up with Joanne. 

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Sep 4, 2010

Sweet P’s

Dear Lord,

How can I ever thank you enough for all you’ve done for me and all that you continue to do? I woke up this morning with hands and feet that could move. Your peace surrounded me as I slept last night. Because you are Lord and you neither sleep nor slumber, I can lay down in safety and peace. I got up to a day filled with newness-new mercies and brand new grace. For that I say thank you, Lord. For your provision, your protection, your providence, your salvation, your companionship, and your counsel, I say thank you Lord! You are truly amazing! To know that the God who holds the entire universe together finds delight in me is incomprehensible.

I’m so grateful for an invitation that is always open to come unto You. If I’m weary or heavy laden, You offer me rest in exchange. You exchange my sickness for your health. I can find no greater exchange rate than you. Who else would take something of little worth in exchange for the invaluable gifts you offer? Although you’re always getting the short end of the stick, you stand ready and willing for me to bring you my load. When I’m brokenhearted, you’ll bind it up and make it whole again. That’s just what I need Lord, take the broken places in my life and put them all back together  and make whole again. I can’t make sense of all the fragments but you are the Master Potter and I put them in your hands. I’ve grown tired, frustrated, and disappointed in my futile attempts to pull the pieces together. That was never the assignment you gave me anyway. So I cease from fruitless labor today. If there be anything that I labor to do today, it is to trust you more. I labor to know You more.

As families gather together over this Labor Day weekend, I pray that you’ll watch over their coming and going and that you would protect them. We welcome your Spirit to sit down in the midst of every gathering. Bring reconciliation  and restoration to families I pray. For those who are gathering together in grief due to loss of love ones, I ask you to comfort their hearts Lord. Be strength for them in this difficult time and may those who are left behind that don’t know you come to know you. For it’s not your will that any should perish.

Let your will be done in the earth!  Let your kingdom come! To you Lord be all the glory, dominion, and power. In Jesus name. Amen.

Sweet P's: Prayer, Petition, Praise

Have a prayer, petition or praise of your own? Join Tea with Tiffany for Sweet P’s.

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Sep 1, 2010

Your Recommendation Says What?

Has anyone ever asked you to write them a letter of recommendation and you felt less than enthusiastic about it?  Well, I haven’t been in the exact situation but I have been called for a reference. Most people wouldn’t mind recommending someone you’ve worked along side and seen that they exhibit exemplary character.

But, how often do we consider and critically examine what recommendation we’re passing onto others. In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 Paul reminds the believers that he had no need for written letters of recommendations to prove the effectiveness of his ministry. They themselves were proof enough.

Many of the people that our paths crossed during the course of our day are not taking the time to read God’s written “letters” found in His Word. However, you and I can be assured that they’re reading our LIFE-our attitude, speech, and behavior. Are you giving Christ a good recommendation?


The only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves. Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3(NLT)

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